Chapter 38

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By this time, Jesse's leg was really starting to hurt. The adrenaline had worn off and feeling returned to his lower half. He winced as he tried to push himself back up.

"Hey, Axel, give me a hand, will ya?" he rasped, using his crutches to try and stand.

Axel walked over and wrapped his arms around Jesse's torso. Gently, he lifted the smaller boy and set him on his feet. "Wait," he started, realizing something, "weren't you running on your broken leg?"

Jesse scratched the back of his head awkwardly, causing some sand to fall from his hair. "Yeah, I was. I didn't want to get stuck in that pit so I just started running without my crutches. It didn't hurt then since I was all excited and stuff, but now it's really starting to throb."

"You shouldn't be running like that, should you? Doesn't that, like, slow down the healing process or something?"

The twin nodded. "Yeah, but I'd rather have this heal longer than get stuck in there with a bunch of people who want to rip my hair out." He smiled sadistically and furrowed his brow. "What fun that sounded like."

Axel shrugged and then turned around.

Jesse took this time to clean himself up. His shirt was now drenched from the sweat and dirty from laying down on the ground. He brushed off sand aggressively from his sleeve and side, also ruffling his hair up to get the small granules out. Once he felt slightly cleaner, he hobbled up to Axel's side.

"So," he began, "should we find Magnus and get out?"

"I really don't want to leave," the large male chuckled. "This place is awesome. But I guess we do have to take care of bigger things."

"Way to stay on task, Axel," praised Jesse. He gave his friend a thumbs-up and then patted his back. "Let's go to the border. He might be there."

They made their way through the rubble of the town to the obsidian border and looked left and right for a short, bald man who looked like Mr. Clean's evil nephew. Luckily for them, the short, bald man was there and they ran up to him.

Taking in deep breaths, Axel and Jesse took a few seconds to recollect themselves before Jesse yelled, "WHAT THE HECK, MAGNUS?!"

Magnus backed up and his eyes went wide. "What?"

"You almost killed us!"

"Of course I almost killed you! Did you see how cool my trap was? There were explosions going off everywhere in a circle and fireworks shooting off on the sides!"

Jesse slapped his forehead. "We didn't even see the fireworks because we were trying not to get caught in your 'cool trap'!"

"Aw, come on, it was cool, though! Didn't ya think so?"

The twin groaned loudly and shook his head. "Whatever! We should probably go." He exhaled and checked his bag to make sure he had everything. "The others are waiting for us and we can't waste any more time."

Thumping. Very loud thumping. It was coming from all around them. Jesse's face fell. "Oh no."

How the hell did those griefers escape traps so quickly and still have enough energy to try and kill them?

Magnus shouted at the two to get behind him. They followed his orders and Magnus pulled out a small gray remote with a red button. "Cover your ears!"

They did so, and as their hands went over, more explosions reverberated in the distance. How many bombs did this guy have? Jesse knew he was a rogue and liked to blow stuff up but he didn't realize that this was the extent.

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