Chapter 5

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In math, Jess spilled out her frustration about having Lukas in her choir class and told Jesse and Axel everything that happened. They nodded and threw in their two cents about the blonde and they all came to one conclusion: Lukas was arrogant.

Axel asked about the slip of paper he handed to Jess and she immediately shot down the idea of calling him.

"He's not going to get any mercy from me," she said. Jesse agreed.

"Aw, man. I wish we kept it so we could prank call him," said Axel.

Jesse looked at his sister and she returned the look. That wasn't such a bad idea.


Physical Education class came around the corner faster than a bull chasing after red flags. And it was strenuous. The twins kept up with their teacher's exercises, but barely.

When it was all over, they met up in front of the locker rooms, back in their normal clothes.

As the sweat rolled down their faces, they nodded to walk away. "Never again," they both agreed.


Lunch was a beautiful thing. Especially when Jesse was able to get an empty table and save it for everyone in the group.

Jess and Axel raced to the lunch line, and Olivia strayed behind, struggling to keep up.

"You... guys! I can't catch up to you two when you're going full out Sonic the hedgehog on me!" The dark-skinned girl stopped and put her hands on her knees, panting heavily.

"Sorry, Liv!" Jess stopped suddenly and waited for her friend to catch up. Axel grunted when he noticed who was coming their way.

"Look, it's Lukas and the Ocelots again. Let's not stay here any longer than we have to."

Jess groaned and gestured for Olivia to hurry. They continued walking to the lunch line, trying to avoid the four who somehow were surrounded by girls who all wanted a picture with the Ocelots.

"Buncha' famous little rats, aren't they?" hissed Jess. Axel crossed his arms.

"I don't get why all those girls are obsessed with Aiden and Lukas. They're not heroes who defeated evil with their good looks," frowned Olivia.

"Don't even indirectly call them good-looking," Axel ordered. Jess gagged. "Every time I look at them I feel like I just glanced upon the main landfill of hell."

"Let's just get food," Olivia sighed.


The three sat at the table as they waited for Jesse to get his food. Axel was snarfing down his burger and Olivia was poking at her lasagna with a plastic fork. Jess glared at her chicken and rice burrito as if it had personally offended her. Olivia glossed her eyes over Jess.

"Jesse, are you okay? You haven't touched your food at all. And you love the burrito." Jess looked up to see the pig-tailed girl watching her with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... ever since we ran into those jerk Ocelots, I haven't been able to keep my mind off Reuben and how angry the whole ordeal makes me." She groaned loudly in frustration, unable to hold it in.

"Axel, can I punch you?" the raven-haired girl asked.

"Go all out," said the large male.

Jess wound her arm back and clenched her fist tight. Furrowing her brow, she screamed as she released all the tension into this one swing. A large FWUMP! sound deafened out everything else as she made contact with Axel's shoulder and she gasped as he fell off the bench and onto the floor.

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