Chapter 13

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A week had passed by since the "Friday of Forgiveness." Both Jesses were getting ready to see their aunt off at the airport.

"She's going to miss the Summer Finale," frowned Jesse. "I really wanted to be there with her."

"Me too," said Jess with a rueful smile. "But I guess this year isn't the one. We'll have to make sure we take pictures and record the parade for her."

Aunt Carrie came back from the coffee shop and smiled at the twins, holding tightly onto her carry-on. With a final heart-wrenching hug, she let go of the two and made her way to the line of people waiting to check their tickets. "Take care of yourselves and each other, alright?"

"We promise," assured Jess. Jesse nodded and waved to her.

Aunt Carrie waved back and then she disappeared into the doorway, leaving the twins behind.

"Damn," exhaled Jesse through gritted teeth, "why did she have to get called to North Dakota now of all times? Couldn't she have a floating holiday or something?"

"It's not our business, Jay. We couldn't do anything about it and neither could she, so we'll just have to accept it. We can make sure she gets to see the parade at the end of the Finale, okay?"

"Fine," he groaned. "What day is it today?"

"It's Friday." She looked at her phone. "The 19th."

"She's going to be gone for three months..." Jesse sighed defeatedly.

Jess stared at the date on her phone and then looked at her brother. "You know, if you want to be cheesy-" She put the phone away- "we could have her balance an angled broom that points towards the moon on the autumnal equinox. Then here at home, we could balance a broom as well and point it at the moon, and we could say we're connected because we're pointing to the same moon at the same time." (A/N: Tomorrow is the Vernal Equinox!! Try balancing a broom or a raw egg on a flat surface! I'm sorry I'm such a nerd haha)

"... What you just said is so cheesy I'm pretty sure I became lactose-intolerant."

"Thanks for the compliment." She nudged him lightly on the side, giving a wide grin. "Anyway, we better get home. Don't want to miss out on the new upload."

"Oh yeah, he's uploading today, isn't he?"

"Yup. I think it would help you get your mind off of Auntie as well."

They stepped out of the airport and called an Uber.


"Hey, we forgot to watch the Hunger Games video from the other day," the boy said, scrolling down on a Cloud Scroll. "Wanna watch it right now?"

The girl nodded and hopped over to her brother's side. "What's it called?"

"'Nose tingles.'" As he said that, Jesse cringed his nose and rubbed it. "It kinda tickles."

Jess blinked. "Wait, so is that the name of the video or does your nose just tickle?"

"It's the name of the video. My nose just happened to tickle."

"Coincidence, I guess," she laughed. "Let's watch it already!"

"Alright, alright," he chuckled, playing the video.

They watched the video and made intermittent comments about it. When it was done, they switched to the next video and Jess spoke up.

"You know, I really can't wait for the new music video. The photos looked so cool!"

Jesse shook his head. "I can't believe it's the last one in the quadrilogy."

"It's actually tetralogy, haha."

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