Chapter 35

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"Hey, Jesse!"

The mentioned person sat up faster than a pig eyeing a carrot and smiled. "Axel, you're back!"

A large head appeared at the edge of the hole and grinned back. "Yeah, I am! Man, you wouldn't believe how crazy it was, trying to chase that girl. She climbed on top of a roof and threw explosives at me!"

"Woah, that sounded dange–"

"It was awesome!!"

Jesse sighed, facepalming, but couldn't help emitting a chuckle. "Well, did you get the amulet?"

"I totally cornered her and got it back! You should've seen it, I was like–"

The sound of a large, hostile mob suddenly erupted and the ground started to shake. Axel stopped talking and pulled out a rope, throwing one end down to Jesse. "I forgot! There's kind of an angry crowd chasing after me since I have the amulet so we have to get out of here!"

"Oh, jeez," Jesse exhaled. He grabbed the rope, holding on tightly. He looped his arm into his crutches so they wouldn't fall. Axel mustered all of his energy and pulled as fast and as hard as he could, careful not to let go.

Soon, Jesse was up and over and Axel heaved him onto his back. The strong male started to sprint and exclaimed, "We gotta run, they're close!"

Close they were. The mob started to emerge from the buildings, whether it was through windows, doors, or anything that had some sort of tunnel. If Axel stopped running, they would be the next catch of the ferocious griefers.

"Axel, see that house over there?" Jesse pointed at a nearby rundown building and Axel nodded. "Pretend like you're turning the corner but then open that trap!"

"How do you know that's a trap?"

"Why else would there be a lever in this godforsaken place?!"

"I see your point!"

Axel darted towards the side of the building, panting heavily. You could tell he was tired and Jesse felt wrong for not being able to do anything. He hoped this crazy ride would be over soon.

The mob was catching up now, no doubt. One person even managed to grab Axel's handkerchief that he always wore around his neck but Jesse whacked them away with one of his crutches. The twin brother was filled with so much guilt that it made him feel better to be able to keep these people away from his friend.

Axel ran past the lever, confusing Jesse. Did he not remember about the trap? Then he harshly backpedaled, knocking over so many people that even Jesse was able to just tip some over with an open fist. Now Jesse understood.

He was trying to keep as many people in the drop zone as possible.

The mob, enraged, tried to grasp Jesse's clothing and Axel's arms. Even with the whole group focused on Axel, they still couldn't match his strength and he shrugged them off like a wet dog, forcing Jesse to wrap his arms around his friend's neck. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, the large male ran at the lever. "Pull it, Jesse!"

There was only a small window of time for the smaller male to comprehend it. Before he knew it, his arms were up in the air and a loud click oscillated behind them.

Screaming. Yelping upon screeching upon shouting. They turned around and watched as all the groups of people fell into a fairly deep pit, including that annoying blue-haired girl and the fishing rod guy.

"Suck it!" both whooped Axel and Jesse, high-fiving each other. Axel put Jesse down and the boy danced a little, although not without some difficulty due to his leg. Of course, there were a few spare people who stood outside the perimeter of the trap, but they were cleaned up easily with a smack from Axel or a clobber from Jesse with his crutches.

"Yeah!" laughed Jesse. "That was awesome, Axel!"

"Aw, thanks buddy," Axel grinned. "I couldn't do it without you, though. That was a smart idea."

"We did it together!"

"I like that. We did do it together!"

With another laugh, they fist-bumped each other and quickly made their way to the unstable towering spire, making sure no one was following or watching them.

They climbed up the stairs, Jesse making sure his crutches wouldn't slide as the ground was smooth stone. He wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly slipped and started rolling down the steps, breaking his other leg.

As they walked across the bridge, the brown-haired boy started to think to himself. His leg really did hurt, every movement caused a pang here and there, but recently he hadn't noticed a lot of it. Was he becoming numb or was it the adrenaline? He wouldn't know. The only thing he would assume was that the pain would return in a few hours.

Then there was their whole situation. Since that girl– Nohr, was it?– had taken the amulet, they had been wrapped up in trying to retrieve it, making no progress in reuniting the order. How much damage was that Witherstorm doing? Were the others safe?

Was Gabriel and Petra safe?

He shuddered as their faces rose to light in his head. He dearly missed Petra, hoping she was at his side right now, cracking a sardonic joke about wanting to die by trapdoor or gushing about being able to hit people without any repercussions.

Gabriel was a face he also wished for. He wished Gabriel was here to give him advice, to help him weave through every problem without any problems. He wished Gabriel could protect them from the attacks that seemed to come from every direction.

Of course, they weren't here, and they wouldn't be for a long undetermined time. That didn't stop Jesse from longing for their companionship. Axel was obviously his friend, and he was just as content having the loyal, towering teen right next to him, but Jesse just felt better and safer when all his friends were by him.

And he felt especially lonely when he thought of his sister's laugh.

Her bright laugh that comforted him when Petra moved away, her warmth when it was cold at night, her encouragement which made him feel he could do anything...

It was quiet without her.

He shivered, a shaky breath escaping his mouth. Axel looked down at him and stopped walking. "Are you good? You look kinda cold. It's too bad we weren't able to snag some jackets before we left Stonebrook."

"Nah, I was just thinking about some stuff." The boy's voice was withdrawn, coming out in a breathy whisper.

Axel's face softened and he watched Jesse grip his arms tighter. "You were thinking about them, weren't you?"


"I really miss them too."

"I wish they were here."

Jesse could feel the blood rushing up to his face and the nerves tingling on the bridge of his nose. He knew what was coming next and he made no sign to hide it.

The first tear rolled down his cheek and Jesse hiccuped quietly, repeating what he said. "I wish they were here."

Axel wrapped his arms around Jesse and they stood there, listening to the wind flutter as small sobs left the lonely twin brother.

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