Chapter 80

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Jess sat down in her seat, fingers drumming the edges of the chair. Lukas had promised to talk with Aiden during Computer Graphics but she still felt on edge from yesterday's events. Why had he lashed out like that? Had he always been like that, ever since elementary? Did she never notice? She thought he was a good person from her childhood memories but high school Aiden was drastically different from preschool Aiden. Only for a few moments had she been able to see a glimpse of preschool Aiden before he reverted back to his mean, spiteful self.

Ah, look at that. Lukas had come into the classroom, crookedly smiling at her with a small wave. She waved back half-heartedly, trying to convey her nervousness to him without saying a single word.

"You're not looking forward to seeing him?" The blonde sat down in his seat, turning the chair to face her.

She shook her head. "No. I tried talking to him yesterday, but he... he got angry. Not outwardly, but you could tell he was really troubled inside. I don't want to make it worse."

"We'll work it out. I promise."

As if they spoke of the devil, Aiden stepped into the room, face already looking cross and irked. He harshly pulled out his chair and sat down, as if he knew that the two of them were going to talk to him.

"Aiden?" Jess began. "About yesterday, I'm sorry. I don't exactly know what started it, but I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed it. Even with all my memories back, I don't know everything that happened, but I just want to make it up to you." She extended her hand out to him, trying not to mention Lukas so he wouldn't lash out at her again. "Can we be friends again? Please?"

He stared at her hand, eyeing it up and down. "I'm assuming you already talked to Lukas."

Crap. He brought him up himself. "I- I did," Jess said.

"I already told you, didn't I? I just want you to leave me alone."

Lukas grabbed Aiden's shoulder and turned him around. "Hey, dude. Chill. She's really been trying to be friends with you again, you know. I don't know what the problem is between you and her, but come on."

"Lukas," Aiden growled, "listen. You guys have always been super close and all and I get it, wow, friendship. Yeah. I don't need that crap. I'll do what I've always been doing - going my own way. Alright? Now get out of my face."

"Aiden, I didn't mean it that way."

"You've changed, dude. The past few months have changed you. Even Maya and Gill have noticed. Just go hang out with them instead, alright? We could care less." The anger that enveloped Aiden wasn't obvious through his voice but you could see it in his features - his face scrunched up and his jaw was tense, his mouth stiff as he talked. Jess realized there was going to be no convincing him, shaking her head at Lukas.

"Okay. We'll leave you be. Sorry about that." She nodded at Lukas to turn away and turned to her own computer, leaving the conversation on an awkward, dead end.

How much did Aiden care? That was the question flying around in Jess's head. Did he care about Lukas enough to let him go or was there something else, an ulterior motive, behind it? Did he care for her when she talked to him yesterday for a split second? Or did he not care at all anymore and that was why he was letting himself act this way?

It was frustrating to know she couldn't do anything, at least for now. Remembering the old Aiden made her desperate to see that side of him again, especially considering the heavy bullying they had suffered at his hands. She just wanted it all to change back. In an ideal world, she would be talking freely with Lukas and Aiden, hanging out as they had when they were kids, no strife between them. But this wasn't an ideal world, and she certainly wasn't an ideal person. She had made all kinds of mistakes herself, exhibit A being all of her arguments with Lukas before they made up.

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