Chapter 58

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"You'll need some protection. I heard what happened to your brother."

"My... brother?" She inhaled as she remembered. "Oh... yes."

"That won't happen to you. Not with these suits of armor."

He opened a secret doorway by pushing a certain brick inwards and went through. "Follow me," he gestured.

Jess followed him and gasped at the array of armor. There were nine sets, shined and polished, just waiting for someone to equip them.

"Choose one," he said. "I designed them all myself. They'll protect you from something as strong as the Formidi-bomb's explosion."

Her eye lingered on one near the center. It was slim-fitting and seemed the most inconspicuous, blending in as something similar to a cosplay outfit.

"How about this one?" she said.

"The Star Shield! Excellent choice. Almost no ordinary object can penetrate it."

"Uh, what can penetrate it then?"

"The sun."

"... Makes sense."

She tried it on, slipping the torso over her cropped shirt and sliding on the leg pieces. Ivor smiled at her. "A perfect fit! As to be expected!"

"Do I... look good?"

"Yes! Wonderful!"

Jess had no idea whether he was answering her question or not listening at all.

"By the way, you should get something for your friend, as well. That large boy?"

"Oh, Axel! Yeah, of course."


They made their way back up the stairway and Ivor signaled for her to watch carefully. He stuck his hand in one of the vents, pulling something long out. He showed it to her. A crowbar.

God damn it, there was a crowbar in here!

Ivor jammed it in the crack of the wall and pushed down. He triggered a switch that was in between the wall doors and they opened up, extinguishing the fire.

Axel and Soren, who had been waiting for her and attempting to waste time, stood up immediately when they heard the fireplace open. Out came Jess who smiled at Axel and followed closely behind was Ivor who brought a scowl to Soren's face.

"Ivor?" Axel said. "How did you get in there? Where were you?"

"Long story short, we were ambushed and I got stuck in the forest. Took an alternate route. Now we have to go - we have the remote."

"Trust him," Jess nodded at Axel and Soren.

Axel believed him since Jess said so but Soren was not so easily swayed.

"And why should I follow you?" The architect crossed his arms in indignation.

"Soren, I know the truth now." The word "truth" coming from Jess's mouth caught his attention and he went wide-eyed, frozen in place like a deer caught in headlights.

"You what?"

"I know what really happened and why he left the group. I was a little skeptical of his side but now, seeing that reaction from you, I know he was telling the real deal."

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