Chapter 27

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Really sorry! I had chapters 27 and 28 done but forgot to post 27 .-. Good job to me!

Anyway, here is 27! Enjoy!

(P.S.: No spoilers for season 2, please. But thank you for 2.3k reads!! <3)


The minecart landed with a violent jolt and elicited a yelp from Jesse, who almost bounced right out the minecart. Squeezing his eyes shut, the minecart bumped harshly into something else, and when the cart seemed to be running normally again, he opened his eyes cautiously.

In front of him was Axel, Olivia, and Lukas, who had all turned their heads around to him. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"Is... ha... Is everyone okay?" he asked.

They all blinked at him. "I mean, I'm not dead," said Axel as he turned to face forward, "so that's pretty good."

Olivia nodded and turned around. "Ditto. Ditto with the not dead."

Lukas stared in front of him in shock. "I just can't believe people actually come here. This place is awful." Then he laughed. "Your throat's gonna be sore later, Axel." The male mentioned raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

The blonde shrugged and smiled. "I'm just sayin'. Wasn't that you doing all that screaming before? Sounded like you were really shredding your larynx."

Olivia perked up and turned around to look at Lukas. "Oh yeah, I heard that too. Really high-pitched? Sounded like a squeaky piston?"

Axel scoffed and shook his head, rolling his eyes. "What? No. Shut up."

Lukas and Olivia giggled and the former sighed. "Never mind," he said through an infectious smile, "must've been something else."

"I think I handled myself pretty well, seeing as I had to fight back against a few ghasts," Jesse said from the back, shifting to accommodate his leg better. He then squinted at the memory, mumbling, "Never want to see them again."

A few minutes later, they ended in some sort of nether brick station and exited their minecarts, groggily walking up the stairs. "Can you throw up, like, inside your stomach?" Jesse said while grabbing his crutches. He looked as if he was about to hurl.

"Uh-huh," said Olivia. "I know because I just did, about five times."

As they reached the top of the stairs, Lukas let out a gasp. "Wow. Look at this place!"

Olivia looked around, observing the other tracks that seemed to connect to the station, and then faced the group. "All these tracks converge at this point. You could probably get anywhere in the world from here."

"Well, it seems like we're by the obsidian barrier again," Jesse added. "Sucks we can't see what on the other side until we go through."

"This... is what Gabriel was talking about, wasn't he?" asked Lukas.

"That's our way out," pointed Axel.

Olivia took a step closer. "It must lead back to the surface. Finally, we can get out of this hellhole of a place."

"The surface is also where that creature is," Lukas blurted out. Axel, who was about to go through the barrier, stopped in his tracks.

Jesse gripped his crutches, his green eyes glassy. "He's right. Who knows what we're walking into? If it took my sister so easily, what would happen to us?"

Axel seemed to hesitate walking through when Jess was brought up and scratched his neck.

"Thanks for being so brave, Axel," whispered Lukas.

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