Chapter 85

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A short, fun chapter to make up for the outrageously lengthy last chapter hahah

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Hours passed and night fell upon Jesse and Petra. They were still going at their roleplay Lego session, now fighting against enderman in their story even though they had not encountered one in real life.

"Wait... the enderman! They're pulling apart the Storm!" Jesse suddenly called out, pointing his figure at the Witherstorm.

"Really? Oh crap, they are! Maybe we have a chance!" Petra smiled, pointing Miss Butter at the hole in the Storm.

As Petra aimed her character's shot, the front door slammed and both she and Jesse stopped in their place. Coming down the hallway was Jess who smiled in embarrassment. "Sorry," said the female twin, "I didn't mean to close it like that. I had a long day at training."

"Training?" Jesse looked at his Scroll and cursed as he realized he forgot about it from the excitement of the date. "I'm sorry, Jess. I left you there by yourself."

"No, it's fine. Besides, I brought Lukas to train with me. Did you know he can do a backflip?"

"Lukas? Lukas was there?"

Jess nodded. "We had a pretty good work out. He packs a tough punch even though he's super awkward and such a scaredy-cat." The reverberations of her laugh jingled in the living room and Jesse stood up in curiosity.

"You guys made up? Is that why you were all happy in fourth period?"

"Yeah. Long story, but I explained the whole memory wipe thing and we made up. I didn't know you were gonna skip training today, I just thought he could come since Isa invited the others as well. Did you skip to hang out with Petra?"

The mention of the redhead's name made Petra flush bright red and Jesse lightly chuckled. "Um, well, I kinda asked her out on a date."

"You WHAT?" Jess grabbed her brother's hands and looked back and forth between the couple. "ARE YOU GUYS DATING NOW??"

"Well, no, but if Petra wants to..." He looked over his shoulder to the blushing girl who looked down in embarrassment. Both of the twins had to strain their ears to hear what she had to say. With a quiet mumble, Petra meekly said, "I wouldn't mind..."

Jess threw up her hands and screamed out loud with excitement. "YEAAAAHHHHH! You guys are finally dating! Congratulations!!" She pulled Jesse in towards Petra and hugged them both, threatening to suffocate them with her embrace. Unable to be disheartened by anything now, she grabbed the pillow cushions on the sofas and threw them everywhere, making a mess as she hollered into the air.

"What is going on here?" Aunt Carrie stormed in through the front door, distressed at all the yelling. "I literally get to my front door and just hear absolute chaos in here!"

"Auntie, Auntie! They're finally dating!" Jess grabbed her aunt's shoulders and grinned widely, waiting for her guardian's response. With the speed that Jess had gone up to her aunt with, Carrie had no time to think and had to take a few seconds to register what her niece said. Then, with slow comprehension, Carrie jumped up and down in excitement, also hollering to no one in particular.

As the aunt and niece enthusiastically ran around in circles, Jesse calmly sat down next to his date and smiled at her shyness. She was never like this in public. "So, we're official now?"

Petra weakly laughed and held his hand. "Yeah, I guess. We're official."

She rested her head on his, understandably tired by the day's activities. "Can we continue this tomorrow? I kind of just want to sleep now, especially because I feel like this is a dream."

"Yeah, sure." He stood up and helped Petra up as well. "But I promise you I'll still be right here when you wake up.

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