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"So" Angela asks me as she drives us to school "your sister is in town" turns out Bella takes forever in the shower, I mean she spent an hour using up all the hot water so when I got into the shower it was freezing cold. But because I have school today, I've got to suck it up.

"She arrived yesterday" confirming as I look into the mirror applying some lipgloss that smells like strawberries and kiwi.

"No offense" she asks "but do you think she'll want to be a candid for the feature? Like if you don't win today?" Angela is a king person whose dream is to be a journalist for one of those magazines like Scarlett or Runway. She wants to write political pieces. Angela has long black hair, warm beige skin with dark eyes. She typically wears glasses. She's about as tall as me, five foot six.

"No" shaking my head "brought up how she'll be the front page news and she had a panic attack, so that's a no...but if I don't win you could always go for eating disorders or speedo padding on the swim team"

She smiles "That's a good one, the speedo padding on the swim team—I'll run that next month if you win, what is she like?"

"Who?" I ask

"Your sister" pulling into the school "is she nice?"

"She's a bitch" when Angela parks the car, we get out "not even a full day and she's a bitch" going over to Lauren when she waves us over. Lauren, she has long light wavy blonde hair with blue eyes and ivory skin.

"Who's a bitch?" Lauren asks me

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"Who's a bitch?" Lauren asks me

"My sister" I tell her as Angela talks to the others aka Tyler and Jessica who are outside. Normally Eric and Mike would also be here, their probably inside or something "came home yesterday and she was all like" mimicking Bella "'who the hell are you?'"

"Really?" Lauren asks flabbergasted "I'm your own home"

Nodding my head "Then this morning she took an hour long shower using up all the hot water, pretty sure she did the same yesterday" see our heater, it takes time using hot water but if you constantly use it for long periods of time it'll run out pretty quickly "so I couldn't have a warmer than cold shower like I normally do, but a freezing one. She then at breakfast told me I needed to fix the heater since she needs warm showers. She then started to be a major bitch and talk about my weight"

"How?" Crossing her arms just as we hear a farting noise, looking over we see Bella park the reddish orange pickup truck she got from Charlie as a welcome home present. Yup, she gets a free pickup truck while I have to buy my own since Charlie said he couldn't afford it. I would be more pissed off if I didn't have the money, but thankfully I do in my own private account that Charlie can't touch.

Getting out of the truck, she lands in a puddle of water. She wraps her oversized brown jacket around her body muttering "God I hate Forks and this stupid truck"

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