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"I can't believe Paul just punched Daniel" Lauren shakes her head, it's been a couple days since the Championship's and we are on our way back to Forks. I've tried to be happy, that Daniel and I managed to get first place with our routine but with what Paul said keeps going through my mind.

"I'm ending things with him tomorrow" I say before paying the taxi driver since Daniel couldn't drop us off per my orders and his parents to stay in bed. What Paul did ended our relationship, I mean it was inexcusable.

Going into my home, I hear moaning and the banging of a bed. Oh great, Bella is being a slut. When I'm halfway up the stairs I stop hearing something "Oh god" looking up to see the door to Bella's room open "your much better than Catalina" my hand tightens into a fist when I hear Paul's voice.

Going up avoiding the cracks in the floor board, I see Bella on top of Paul "Oh my god" they both stop to look at me.

I leave the both of them calling Leah "Hey" she answers "what's up?"

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask

"Why?" She asks

I walk away from the Swan House since it seems Paul isn't going to try to stop me "Paul is fucking Bella right now"

She's silent "I'm on my way" hanging up, I cry. I am so stupid, I mean I should have known. Once a manwhore always a manwhore. He just manipulated my feelings, he knows how much I despise Bella and her mere presence hurts me since Charlie favored her over me. Just because she has his eyes and hair, I've got my mom's blue eyes while I have Charlie's dark brown hair. I don't know why he chooses her over me, god I need my therapist.

"Hey" Leah appears, I get into her car "How did it happen?"

"I don't know" shaking my head "but all I know is that Paul is with Bella right now and I hate him" tears run down my face "he knows how much it would hurt to do this and what I heard him say just ended this relationship" pulling out my phone, I pull up Paul's number and do the one thing that is such a dick move.

Me: It's over Paul, I never want to see you again

"So it means" Leah asks as I block Paul from all social media platforms and my my contacts "he's gone back to his bullshit whore mongering ways?"

"Apparently" we appear at her family's two story green home, I see the lights are still on so someone must be up. Going into the house, I see Sue and Harry awake.

"Oh" Sue comes over to hug me as I cry "I'm so sorry Catalina"

"How he could be so callous?" I ask, shaking my head "I have tried to be a good girlfriend, I have tried but I am done"


"So" Jessica asks me as I'm at lunch talking with Lauren and Angela about how Paul texted me via Jared's phone "I hear Paul is planning on trying to get back together with you"

"No" shaking my head "it has been about a week and there is nothing that jackass can say to fix or anything what Paul did" on Monday, Sue called me in sick from school which caused my friends Lauren, Angela and Rachel Black came over and Leah told them what happened as I was in bed just staring at wall. In a few days everyone in La Push and Forks heard what happened, Bella has been labeled as a boyfriend stealer like Emily Young.

"It seems" Jessica takes a bite of her lunch "the saying is true, like mother like daughter—I hear your mother Renee was quite a whore" yeah, a main reason to why Renee left was because everyone in Forks drove her out. She became a pariah in his town and La Push. I don't know the absolute full story and I'm not sure if I want to.

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