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~Catalina's POV~

"Are you sure?" I ask the guys, right now I'm with Logan, Kendall, James and Carlos. It's been two months since what Paul did. Turns out my mates went to pay him a visit and they shattered the right side of his body.

I've seen the doctor Carlisle recommended, he and the coach that is training Daniel and I have me under a specific regimen. Resting my hip so I've been doing more on my left side of my body since too much pressure or weight on my right could end my skating career.

Demetri and Felix wanted to stay but apparently something came up in Russia, the Russian coven has created something or some something that requires their attention. I haven't seen them in months and I really miss them. The only thing I have of them is Aphrodite.

"Yes" Kendall nods his head "look, we" motioning to the guys "have experienced downfalls in hockey, but we are serious when we say fun is needed so we're going to skate with you-use us as crutches to help with your leg"

"Okay" nodding my head, Kendall and Carlos are on either side of me as we skate "this is nice, I can't remember a time when I skated just because I wanted to skate without some sort of song or anything to dance to"

"Helps clear your mind" Kendall says "doesn't it"

"So" Carlos asks "what happened to Paul? You never did say"

"Before we left" I say "he mysteriously had half of his body broken" they stop and look at me.

"Mysteriously?" Kendall asks

"He dwarves it" I growl "he tried to force himself on me, almost cost me my skating life or anything like that-I hate him so much"

"You never said that" Logan says

"What?" I ask

"He tried to force himself on you?" James asks, I nod my head "why didn't you report it, didn't your boyfriends have security cameras everywhere?"

"Half his body being shattered is damage enough" I say

"Okay" James says "but how did that happen?"

"What's this I hear about a prank war?" I ask changing the topic. Katie was talking about a prank war that she's planning on joining this year since she's old enough, the guys apparently throw a yearly prank war.

"Every year" Kendall tells me "we throw a prank war to see who the king of pranks is-we even have a rule book"

"Can anyone join?" I ask "or is this only a you thing?"

The guys share a look "I don't know Cat, your still healing and prank wars can get dangerous so...maybe next year?" Logan suggests

"But can anyone join?" I ask

"I guess" Kendall nods his head "I mean no one has ever asked to join us"

"What if I do play?" I ask "and manage to stay safe? Please guys, this is the perfect thing that could help me" also they don't know how much of a prank genius I am.

We stop as the guys huddle and whisper "Okay" Kendall looks at me "but the moment you feel pain of any kind in your hip or leg"

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