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"Ready?" Felix asks me, nodding my head I am lying down on the bed when I finished having our second child. A few years after our daughter Morrigan was born we decided to have another child. Our second and final child, I made it clear I wanted to be turned after our second child was born. Another girl, this one has dark hair and green eyes. We decided to name her Dorothea from the Wizard of Oz. Now I'm being turned.

Demetri and Felix bite down on my wrists, I scream in agony feeling the venom spread through my body. Demetri and Felix don't let go of me as I go through the transformation.

Gasoline, I smell gasoline. Looking all around, my heart beats loudly in my chest—I feel my heart pounding rapidly as I try to breathe but can't. Fuck this is so painful. Even worse than child birth.

"Ahh!" Letting out a loud scream as I feel my fingers becoming numb, I can't feel them then I can. It's so weird. Tears run down my face as I look at my mates "Make it stop!"

"We're sorry" Demetri strokes my hair "we can't"

"Try to breathe" Felix grips my hand "squeeze our hands and let the pain in, don't fight it"

"Ahh!" Gripping their hands I close my eyes letting the pain in, it only helps barely. Can't I be given morphine or drugs? Oh god.

~Three Days Later~

"I love you" I tell my mates as they are by my side when my water breaks for our second child.

"We love you too" my mates both say

Opening my eyes, everyone seems more clear. There is this burning feeling in my throat as I look around and my eyes connect with my mates. Looking down at our hands, they are the same temperature. They aren't too cold to touch.

Looking back at them this heat begins to form in my core, I smile at them as they smile down at me. Then I remember "Our girls"

"Their perfect" Demetri tells me as I sit up, my hands go to their face and they close their eyes leaning into my touch.

"Just like you" Felix says "your even more perfect than before"

Just as I think about them and satisfying a hunger growing inside of me, I grab my throat "Your hungry" Demetri runs out before coming back with a human who is crying. I ignore the crying and only hear her heart beating loudly, her vein on her neck throbs so I run and grab the human before biting down on her neck.

She screams as I feel the warmth of her blood go down my throat soothing the aching burning feeling in my throat. Moaning as I fed off the human, I turn to my mates once the human's heart stops beating.

Looking at my mates I say "Our babies"

"Come on" Felix takes my hand, we leave the room and go to the upper guard suite where I see my babies once I enter the room.

"Mommy!" Morrigan runs to me, bending down I hold my arms out and stand up holding her and kissing her face.

"My baby" I say

"Your eyes are red" she points to my eyes

"They are" I tickle my daughter and she screeches laughing, looking around I see Chelsea holding Dorothea so I hand Morrigan to Felix. Going over to Chelsea, I take my daughter into my arms smiling down at her.

This is what I've always hoped for, someone or in this case two someone's to love and to get love back. To have a family that I am proud of having and can love that loves me back. And a love that can last the ages. I will be grateful every day for meeting my mates. They have given me this new life, children and a love that I will forever be grateful for.

I love you Demetri and Felix, I will never stop.

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