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~Catalina's POV~

"Catalina" he sighs

I punch him in the face, he looks at me shocked and angry. I see him shake in anger before my eyes widen when I see a large dark silver wolf that snarls at me. Gasping, I run to my jeep just as something tackles me and I scream loudly when this burning pain radiates through my back and everything turns black.

Large dark silver wolf. Large dark silver wolf. Large dark silver wolf. Large dark silver wolf.

My eyes shoot open as I gasp awake placing a hand on my chest, but the action brings me pain. Looking around as my eyes adjust to wherever I am. I see I'm in a white room with a couch, a hanging tv up in the corner of the room, there are flowers everywhere—on the table and some on the floor along with a few gift baskets—beeping is heard and I look over to see an IV bag along with those machines you find in hospitals, my right hand when I looked down is attached to the IV, I also see myself in a hospital bed.

"Morning Ms. Swan" I see Carlisle Cullen come in, he goes to his chart and writes something down before coming towards me and shines a bright light above my eye "can you follow my finger?" I watch as he moves his finger from side to side then up to down "squeeze my hands" picking up my hands i squeeze them as hard as I can "good" he writes something else down.

"Wha" I ask trying to think of something to ask to explain what happened "there was a wolf"

"Yes" nodding his head "Ms. Swan, my family and I can explain everything that just happened. What happened to you, between you and your ex boyfriend"

"But?" I ask "there's normally a catch"

"We want you to stay with us until you get better" he offers "I can explain either way but given everything you've been through we'd like to offer our home open to you until your fully recovered"

I think about what he says and he is genuinely offering to help "Until I'm better, I don't want to stay a moment longer if not necessary" he nods his head "will I be able to skate?"

He nods his head "Your ability to skate hasn't been affected, you were just hit on the head being given a concussion and your back—the scars on your back are for life"

"What are you?" I ask "your family doesn't act normal for humans"

He stares at me "My family and I are vampires" I stare at him when he says that "your ex boyfriend is a newly shifted wolf shifter, I can explain everything in full detail later since right now" looking over I see Tatyana, Daniel and Tatyana's husband Mitch here.

"Thank god" Tatyana rushes over giving me a hug, trying very hard not to hurt me "your awake" she cups my face in her hands crying.

"How long" I ask "have I been asleep?"

"About a week" Dr. Cullen informs me as he writes something else down "your friends have been by to see you" friends, no family. I not even surprised by this, I mean life and death with me they wouldn't care.

"We" Daniel tells me "would have stayed the entire time if my dad didn't have work, I didn't have school and if we were family since Tatyana wanted to stay"

"Your father" Dr. Cullen tells me "he has been by once a day near the end of visiting hours to see how your doing" I'm sorry? He's been doing what? Now I'm certain this is a dream.

"The Clearwaters" Tatyana tells me "have been by multiple times, to see how your doing. Your friends have sent you flowers while we got you a gift basket along with some of the people on the ice rink"

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