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"So" Demetri and Felix have brought me to the Upper Guard suite where their friends are. I see about eight vampires here. Two with dark skin and the rest with pale white skin. I recognize three of the people here: Renata, Jane and Alec. Everyone else I don't know.

There are two vampire females with brown hair and red eyes, one of them I feel attracted to. I don't know why though? I know it isn't because of her beauty, I'm not attracted. The other woman, she seems like someone I could really like. Then you have a red haired vampire who offers me a smile that tells me she's nice. I don't know why, but when it comes to men I have terrible judge in character but when it comes to other people I don't.

Then there's the two men, one red haired male and the other a dark skinned man with long black hair. Both seem to be like really nice guys "Everyone" Felix introduces me "this is Catalina"

"Cat" Demetri tells me their names "you already know Renata and the twins" nodding my head at the three who stare at me "but we don't believe you know the others. This is Afton and his mate Chelsea" the red haired man goes to one of the brunette women who looks like she wants to hug me "then you have Santiago and finally you have Corin who is the red haired vampire and Heidi" right, the ex fucks. 


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