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"What do you want?" I ask Charlie when he visits the Cullens, right now their all playing baseball. They invited me over but I refused, Alice kept me up all night trying to get me to choose one of the dresses she has for prom with Daniel which is tomorrow.

"Please come home" he begs "it's not the same without you Cat"

Scoffing "That was never my home, you constantly couldn't look at me because I reminded you of he woman who took the child you wanted—you were never once there for me. Not for my graduations of kindergarten or first grade or any of that, when I won my first figure skating competition? Where were you?" Shaking my head at the man who calls himself a father.

"I'm sorry" he apologized "please, come home"

"No" shaking my head "the day I come home will be the day I am a corpse since I'm dead, now if you'll excuse me I need to go" as I pass by Charlie, I watch him cry.


I'm in Seattle since none of the dresses in Port Angeles really did it for me, so now I'm in this high ended boutique. "Do you" one of the workers comes over "need any help finding a dress?"

"Yeah" nodding my head "I'm looking for a dress that shows off my scar on my back" she sees the top of the scar from the dress I'm in "also a no light colors"

She nods her head leaving while I sigh, I always thought I'd go with Paul "I don't think" looking up, I see this blonde guy with pale skin and blue eyes stare at me. He looks to be about six feet tall with a European accent, someplace around the Mediterranean like Greek or maybe Italian or something else "I've ever seen a girl be this sad over shopping" as I stare at him, I feel this connection that I can't quite explain. But as I stare into his eyes, it's like everything is answered. That being with him I don't need to be afraid, that he'd protect me from it all.

"Here for your girlfriend?" I ask

He shakes his head "I don't have a girlfriend, I'm sure your boyfriend will be jealous of whatever you choose"

I sigh sadly "I ended things with my boyfriend"

"I'm sorry" he apologized

"Why?" I ask "why are you sorry?"

"How your acting" he says "I'm sure you probably did the dumping, I mean your the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" looking down, I blush.

"Thanks" pushing a lock of hair behind my ear "I'm Catalina" holding my hand out to shake.

"Demetri" he takes my hand to kiss it, I gasp at the cold feeling.

"Demetri" looking over, I see a really tall man that has got to be like almost seven foot tall with dark hair and pale skin and brown eyes "who" his voice is really thunderous and his muscles have got to be bigger than Emmett's, I mean...woah "is this lovely woman" as I stare at him and like when I stared at Demetri, I feel like safe with him before me.

"Catalina this is my older brother Felix" Demetri introduces us "Felix this is Catalina"

"Hello" he kisses my hand, he is also really cold.

My phone suddenly goes off and I see it's from Rosalie, she's demanding I pick up "Sorry" I motion as I turn around walking away from the men to the changing room to change "Rosalie, what"

"Where are you?" She demands

"I'm in Seattle, why?" I ask

"The nomad vampires" she says "you know the ones that have been killing around Forks?"

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