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"So" Katie asks me as we go to her apartment to meet her mom "how did you meet your insanely gorgeous boyfriends?" Katie has been showing me around the Palm Woods and telling me all the latest gossip after I got settled into my apartment with Daniel. Daniel he happens to be in Katie's apartment hanging out with her brother who she didn't tell me who, about thirty minutes ago my mates went someplace and said they'd be back.

"I was shopping for a prom dress" I say "and I met them coming out of the store" we go into her apartment as I see Daniel on the couch with "OH MY GOD!" Screeching, they look over to me "Your Big Time Rush!"

"Cat!" Daniel stands up and comes over picking me up and hugs me.

"Hey Danny" I smile as he sets me down

"When did you get in?" He asks "are Felix and Demetri here?"

"A few hours ago" I nod my head "they went out someplace"

"Hi" looking over, I see James Diamond next to me "I'm James"

"Catalina but most people call me Cat" I say

"Hi" Kendall comes over "I'm Kendall and this is Logan and Carlos" pointing to a red haired woman "this is my mom"

"I can't believe I'm meeting Big Time Rush" I smile "can I take some photos with you?"

"Sure" they agree and I take some photos for both my social media and for scrapbooking.

Putting my phone away, I exclaim "I can't believe I'm meeting you"

"It's an honor for us too" Logan says "you two are representing our nation at the Olympics" the door opens in comes two teenagers, one with blonde and the other with brown hair.

"This is Camille Travis and Jo Taylor" Katie introduces us "guys this is Catalina Swan"

"The famous figure skater" nodding their head "yeah, I" Camille says "absolutely love you, can I get a photo with you?"

"Sure" we take a photo just as Jo asks "Oh! Did you guys sees the insanely hot guys?"

"Their like the hottest guys" Camille laughs "I've ever seen"

"What?" James demands, there is a knock on the door and we see my boyfriends since the door is open.

"Woah" Logan breathes out "he's huge"

"Hey guys" Katie waves them inside "guys this is Demetri and Felix, Cat's boyfriends"

"The both of them?" Mrs. Knight asks

"Yeah" nodding my head

"Hey guys" Daniel greets them "are you guys staying in town or"

"We unfortunately have business" Demetri says "we actually need to leave soon"

"Really?" I ask feeling a bit disappointed since I wanted to spend another day with them.

"Don't worry" Felix cups my face using his thumb to wipe away a tear "we'll be back soon, but until then"

"Here" Demetri shows a box, setting it on the table I gasp when I pull out a fluffy orange kitten "her name is Aphrodite cause like her, your the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth"

"Here" Demetri shows a box, setting it on the table I gasp when I pull out a fluffy orange kitten "her name is Aphrodite cause like her, your the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth"

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"Aww" some people say

"Now" Felix says "every time you think of us, you have Aphrodite to remember us by since your always in our hearts—she's like our baby"

"Aww" more awes.

"I love you both so much" I start to cry, we soon kiss. Each of us and it takes half an hour before they leave.

"Those are your boyfriends?" Mrs. Knight asks, I nod my head "their so handsome and romantic"

"The kitten is so adorable" Katie screeches

"Your boyfriends" Daniel says "are much better than your ex"

"How did you guys even meet?" Jo asks

~Time Skip~

"Work on your lifts" our coach orders us "for the Olympics, you both will be showing sex" so like what we are known for? All our pieces have to do with lust or heartbreak or some form of both.

"So" Daniel asks me as he lifts me up into the air "how come you seem more tense lately?"

"Renee has been calling more" I say "I recently found out how on her Facebook page she's taking credit for my talent. That she's been taking me to my lessons, everything"

"What a bitch" He lifts me up again

"Yup" agreeing as set down "I need a moment" going over to the benches, I tell my coach "a minute, I need a mental brain release" he nods his head as I sit down. My phone goes off and I know it's notifications from Renee or someone else.

Knowing that bitch she'll feel entitled to something, like the Swan family fortune. All my life she's tried to get the money and it's one for the reasons I hate her. Right now my main focus needs to be on winning the Olympics, I can't think about her or her dumb ass drama.

Between family issues, the Olympics and supernatural issues—it really takes the life out of a girl.

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