Twenty Six

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~Catalina's POV~

"Just take our hands" Demetri says "give is some of the pain" like always my stubborn self doesn't want any epidurals or drugs.

"Your daughter better come out soon" I growl as I'm in a birthing pool "and who's stupid idea was it for a home birth with a tub?"

"Yours" Felix says and I slap him

"Ah!" Crying out as Sue is here helping me deliver the baby.

"You need to push" Sue ordered me "she isn't waiting" taking my mates hands I scream as I push, closing my eyes I push against the pressure. Oh my god this hurts so fucking much!

Taking a breath I look at my mates "She is our only child, am I clear?"

"Yes" nodding their heads

"Push again" Sue orders. I push and scream, when the pressure subsided I see Sue hold up a beautiful dark hair baby girl "Here she is" Sue shows us, placing our daughter on my chest "all ten fingers and ten toes"

Our daughter stops crying once she's on my chest and she looks up at us with wide blue eyes "Hi" she looks at me "I'm your mama" crying as I stare down at her, I didn't know I could love something so much until this moment. Seeing and having our daughter on my chest, she is absolutely beautiful.

Sue clamps then cuts the cord, our daughter cried for a bit but she went back to sleep. "She's never allowed to date" my mates both say. I laugh, cause with me around I'll make sure our little one gets the chance to date.

~Time Skip~

"Look Aphrodite" after the baby shower my mates reminded me of our cat Aphrodite, so here she is sniffing the baby. Felix and Demetri are next to her keeping a very keen eye on her afraid that something might happen to the baby "What do we name her?" I ask

"I thought we agreed on" Demetri stops when I give him a look "we didn't name her"

Looking at the baby, I stare at her "How about Dahlia?" Felix suggests

"And name her after a whore?" I ask "we might as well name her Isabella"

"What about Emily?" Demetri suggests

"Want to name her Heidi?" I ask. They growl at that "See"

"Annabeth?" Felix asks


"Phoebe?" Demetri asks



"Hell no!" Exclaiming

"I've got an idea" Felix suggests "why don't you pick the name?"

Rolling my eyes, I stare at our baby and think what she should be named when I think of it "Morrigan"

"Morrigan?" They ask

"After Morrigan from A Court of Thorns and Roses" smiling and Demetri face palms "what? I love it. Her name is Morrigan Harley Volturi"

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