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"So?" Jessica asks me as I'm trying on a prom dress, yeah Daniel's prom is coming up soon and I need to find a dress quickly "How was hiking with the Cullens?"

"They didn't go camping this time" I tell them "they went to visit their cousins in Alaska, I stayed with Leah. What do you think about blue?"

"You look really good" Jessica says "what about this pink dress? I like how it's making my boobs look" a group of frat guys comes over and knocks on the whistling eyeing us like meat.

"You look great" Bella says, she asked to come along for some reason even though she isn't going to prom. When Lauren heard Bella was coming she canceled.

"You don't really want to be here" Angela asks "do you?"

"I came because" she says "I really wanted to go to this store, I'll meet you later" she leaves then.

"Who" I ask "agreed to have her come?"

"It was to be polite" Angela says "Bella has been having a tough time since you and Paul broke up"

"She fucked" Jessica exclaims "her boyfriend" hmm, seems for once I don't hate her "she fucked Mike, she fucked Tyler, she fucked Eric, pretty sure she fucked our gym teacher. Bella is just like her mother, a whore"

"No" shaking my head "she's a slut, at least a whore gets her money's worth—I don't remember Bella charging her services" Jessica and I laugh as Angela looks guilty "Angela?"

"I just think it's terrible" she says "how Bella acts, I mean I only agreed to let her come since it was out of pity. She doesn't really have a lot of friends"

"And how" I ask "is this our fault? Bella doesn't even try interacting with anyone in real conversations but just to fuck"

"She's right" Jessica agrees with me "Bella likes a spoiled self entitled slut"

I then remembered "hey, I need to go someplace so I'll meet you guys at the restaurant" leaving the place, I go down to the bookstore just to see Bella there also. We don't say anything to each other as I find horror books like Frankenstein's Monster, It and stuff like that. I'm putting in my blog books like this. The movie It is coming out soon and I'll be seeing that so I'll be reading the book before seeing the nineteen century version then the new updated version.

As I leave the store with my books, I go to my jeep telling Jessica and Angela that I lost my appetite. As I drive home, I notice people at the Forks Police Station including the coroner. Going in, I park the jeep before getting out. Did Charlie die? For some reason I don't feel sad if that happened, I feel relieved thinking that.

Going inside, I see Charlie behind the desk with Carlisle coming over "Carlisle?" He looks my way "what's going on?"

"Waylon" Charlie tells me "he's dead...killed on his boat in the boathouse" I look at Carlisle who nods his head confirming that a vampire killed him. I wish I could say I'll miss Waylon but I won't, there just wasn't something right with him.

"I found samples" Carlisle tells him "he was with a woman before he died, but I'll have it examined just to be certain" so he was cheating on his wife of ten years? Asshole. Carlisle goes past me but not before saying "talk to your father"

I look at Charlie who is trying hard not to cry but he fails, I mean Waylon was his cousin "Why did you and Waylon grow apart?" I ask. I heard the rumors of how Bella and I are not really full siblings but half siblings, that Charlie has the evidence but he doesn't say anything.

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