Twenty Two

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There is a knock on the door, it's the next day since Jacob stormed over and called me a slut. "There is a human at the door" Felix tells me as Demetri goes to get it, Jane hands me some bacon, pancakes, eggs and a blue berry parfait "it's Charlie Swan"

"I don't want to see him" shaking my head as I drink the orange juice.

"He wants to talk to you, a few minutes" Felix tells me

"What does he want to talk about?" I ask

"Apologize" Jane tells me "he wants to be apart of your life and the baby's" great, all of Forks and La Push probably know by now that I'm pregnant.

Sighing, I grab my crutches and go to the door and see Charlie there "What do you want?" Faking ignorance.

"I want to apologize" Charlie says to me "for not being there all your life, I want to change that. Be apart of it now"

"My only father" I said "was Harry, he has been more of a father to me than you-he's dead now, so no. I don't want you in my life and I don't want to change anything because your still the same pushover who always goes to Bella" closing the door, I look at Demetri who picks me up and brings me to the kitchen.

"So" Jane asks me "let's talk about baby showers"

I look her way confused "Aren't we months away from that?"

"We are" she agrees "but best get to it now then later-so, who do we want to invite"

"The girls from the upper guard suite and the wives, obviously" she nods her head "the guys, wait do guys that aren't the fathers normally there?"

She shrugs her shoulders "It's your call"

"The guys" I confirm "Big Time Rush" I then start to list who I want to be there "So what's going to happen with Bella?"

"What do you mean?" Alec asks me

"She's pregnant, it's obviously for Rosalie" even though I love Rosalie and I do, I doubt the Volturi will allow her to adopt a baby.

"We're having that baby be put up for adoption" Jane tells me "your parents have proven that they aren't good role models for it, the Cullens can't have it because of the newborn and after the crimes the Cullens have racked up-fostering a child isn't something we will allow"

When I'm done with my breakfast, I look at my mate "Let's go to the store, get some maternity clothing" they nod their heads. After an hour, we are in the maternity section of the store where I'm looking for clothes "is there nothing cute to wear?"

"Anything you wear" Felix holds up this pink blouse that I shake my head to "is hot, not cute"

"Aw" placing my hand on his cheek "listen to you make up crap for me-oh that's cute" I grab a blue blouse "can one of you help me" Demetri picks me up and brings me to the dressing room. Felix also comes into the dressing room and I roll my eyes at their overprotectiveness or it could be them wanting to ogle me.

"Your breasts" Demetri grabs one of them "have gotten bigger"

"A perk about this" I say "I've always had a hard time making my butt bigger and tits too, so yeah" when I put on the blouse I look it over in the mirror before taking it off to turn to my mates and kiss them. Ever since a few days ago, my libido has gone up.

Pulling away, I say "Who else is here in the store?"

"The cashier" Demetri said "no one else"

"Can you kill her and close the store?" I ask, moving my hands to grab my mates "it could be fun"

They share a look "Let's head back to the car" they said, I pout "As much" Felix puts a hand on my cheek "as we want to, no inconspicuous kills"

"Fine" muttering

"But" Demetri kneels before me, lifting my skirt he lifts my good leg before moving my panty aside. I hold onto Felix closing my eyes as Demetri licks my inner thighs.

"It doesn't mean" Felix whispers "we can't have fun"

I moan lowly, Felix covers my mouth so that no one can hear me. He uses his other hand to move down to between my legs. Demetri keeps my legs open as he begins to kick my outer folds. Felix places his middle finger on my clit to rub it.

Heat pools between my legs, pressure building in my core as one of my mates plays with my clit with his finger and the other uses his tongue to lick me. "Oh god" panting when I release the pressure that has been building in my core, Demetri stands up licking my juices from his lips as I stare at him. Pregnancy hormones are amazing.

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