Twenty Five

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"Okay" Chelsea and Corin lead me someplace, it's been another month since the newborn army has been dealt with. We've decided to stay in America until the baby is born aka my mates are really fucking terrified if I go on a plane in my state.

"You girls know I don't like surprises right?" I ask them

"Open your eyes" I open them and see a baby shower, covering my mouth tears are in my eyes. I know I've talked about it with Jane but we've never gone over to details.

"HAPPY BABY SHOWER!" I let out a laugh as there are pink balloons everywhere, the table cloth is pink, pink drink in baby bottles, there's this fruit platter that a watermelon is used as the fruit around it is shaped like baby in a cradle, these baby dolls in ice cubes, so many things.

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"What do you think?" Demetri asks coming over with Felix

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"What do you think?" Demetri asks coming over with Felix.

"I love it" kissing them both, pulling away they help me down the steps and we have some fun.

~Felix's POV~

Taking off the diaper used as a blind fold, Demetri's fake baby has a diaper over it's head suffocating it while mine lost its limbs. We did that baby blind fold changing challenge and we suck at it "Don't worry" Catalina comes over to kiss our cheeks "I won't let you kill our daughter"

"How is it" Chelsea demands as we see all the "dead" babies in a pile, every male we invited from the Volturi is here has failed to successfully change a diaper "no one in our family can do this?"

"Up next is Aro and Caius" Rosalie announces

We watch and in a few minutes only Caius knows how to change a diaper, we are silent as we stare at him "How did you do that?" Aro demands

Caius gives him a look "the baby isn't a bomb Aro"

"Oh! Caius!" Athenadora runs over to Caius and kisses him, pulling away she whispers only for vampires to hear "I'm stealing a baby"

"Dora!" Caius calls out as Sulpacia and Athenadora giggle running off "Dora! Wait!" Knowing those two, Athenadora will most likely steal a baby.

Caius runs off along with Aro after their mates "Okay" Camille announces "we've got the next challenge for everyone which is what would Catalina rather choose?" After being handed a part we see would she rather choices.

"Okay" Jo announces "let's go ahead, now we've gathered the cards" yes after an hour and now it's the revelation "let's see what Catalina has to say"

Catalina takes the cards and says "I'd rather drink coffee...I'd rather stay at home watching a movie...I'd sleep in late...I'll have both Mexican and Chinese takeout...I'd rather live in the, I am not a camper...I'd rather cuddle a cat" she looks at us "we're adopting a cat"

"Uh" Demetri's scratches the back of his neck "Catalina" probably wanting to remind her that we already have a cat. I swear her brain has been haywire these last few weeks.

"We're" she is firm having everyone laugh "getting a cat...and a puppy. Both!" Oh boy.

Looking back at the cards she says "I'm a coke fan...I'll cook dinner but I expect my boyfriends to do the dishes...I'm a horror movie fan...I'll walk on a beach...and lastly as long as I'm with my boyfriends I don't mind exploring the world or locally"

~Demetri's POV~

"The baby's last name will be Volturi" Catalina is in bed rubbing her belly where our daughter grows. I fucking knew it, I knew it was going to be a girl "but we still need to pick baby names so" she has a clear bowl with baby names folded in here "first and middle"

"Are we still going to the shelter to get cat and dog?" Felix asks, she nods her head. That sounds great (sarcastically saying)

"First names" clapping her hands

We pull out three names: Ruby, Agatha, and Clarke. "They do know we're having a girl right?" I ask, I don't know any female named Clarke.

"Next" Felix orders and we pick out Constance, Rainbow and Violet.

"I actually like Violet" Catalina says "put this one in the maybe pile"

"Next three" I say: Chloe, Phoebe and Felicity "we are not naming her after you Felix"

"Nor after you" Felix counters "Cat" he stops when we see Catalina fell asleep. Today was really tiring for her.

"Hi sweetie" I lean down and place my hand on Catalina's belly rubbing it "don't worry, mommy and daddies will figure out your name soon"

"That's right" Felix kisses her belly and I kiss it next, we simply listen to our daughter's heartbeat.

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