The first Breath (3)

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Stellas POV

once outside the building I get up the location of the closest hospital on my phone, 18 minute walk away That's too far.

I dial 911 instead.

"911 whats your emergency" the operator on the phone says

"My Baby is coming, I'm outside the back entrance of the Envy night club Indiana, 225 South Meridian Street"

"okay, I've dispatched an ambulance to your location, have you started contractions" she asks as I feel another one coming a lot more painful than the last

"yes, they are coming thick and fast" I say as I wince and hold onto the wall 

"okay the ambulance is 2 minutes away, try not to push just yet, just breath with me, in through the nose 1...2...3" the operator says as we both start breathing slowly in sync "good thats it" she says as I hear the sirens getting closer. 

not long after I hear rattling behind me as I feel someone hold my back and someone else stands in front of me grabbing my hands "there here, thankyou" I say down the phone as I end it. 

"Hi im Sophie and this is my partner Leah, lets get you in the ambulance" Sophie the paramedic says turning me round to helping me walk over to the ambulance, we step up slowly as they help me on the bed, they close the doors then start to run a few tests before Sophie lifts my legs up and examines me. 

"yep your definitely in labour, you are 5cm far are you" Sophie says handing me some Gas an air. "38 weeks" I say as I suck on the gas and air "not to early then, baby just really wanted to meet their mummy, do you know what your having" sophie says feeling my stomach "a little girl" I say wincing as Sophie lifts the gas and air up back to my mouth to help me as leah passes Sophie and blanket to put over me as Leah climbs out the ambulance and getting in the front as I feel the ambulance start to move. 

"do you need us to call anyone when we get to the hospital for you" Sophie says taking down the results on the babies heart monitor I lie my head back and shake my head "No Ive called the dad already he said he will meet us there" I lie as I feel another contraction worse than the last as I sit up and scream a little "do you have anything else, this really hurts" I say as Sophie lifts the gas and air back up "keep using this, it will help eventually" she says as I lie back and suck even harder and longer on the gas an air.

a few minutes later I was wheeled inside the hospital and taken to the delivery suite. a doctor came in to examine me again and confirmed I was now 7cm and was progressing faster than average which also meant I was too far dilated to have any further pain meds. 

as the doctor left the room to go get some more equipment I grab my phone from the side and called Grant he should have finished his sound check by now. 

it rings out for a while and just as Im about to end it the call answers "What Stella" I hear Grant shout down the phone. 

"I called to see if you were going to come to the hospital, I need you with me" I say as I wince when I feel another contraction "I dont want to be sat around in a hospital for hours, I have things I need to be doing..." he snaps down the phone "...that he does" I hear a female voice say in the background of the call. 

"who was that" I say confused 

"just some fans..." I hear grant say as the line goes dead, it must have accidentally cut out so I call him back and it is answered straight away, but he doesn't say anything and all I hear is some rattling noise "stop calling him, hes a little busy right now" the woman's voice says clearly snatching the phone from Grant as she giggles and ends the call. 

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