The firehouse Family (27)

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Stellas POV

We just pulled up at the firehouse, today we decided to come and introduce Elyssa to everyone at the firehouse, we had one hectic morning with Miley saying no to everything and throwing multiple tantrums but we finally managed to get her dressed and in the car. Although she threw a tantrum over that because she didn't want Elyssa being sat next to her. She only settled when she realised where we were about to pull up to.

Once Kelly parks the car I get out and open mileys door and unbuckle her carseat belt as she jumps out. She starts to run into the firehouse "miley! Wait for mommy and daddy" I shout as she ignores me and heads inside.

Kelly comes around with Elyssa in her car seat and smiles as we start heading inside.

When we are inside I see Gabby holding miley tickling her as she giggles "ohh and who's this your baby sister" gabby says as Miley crosses her arms "no" miley says as Gabby looks at me shocked

"Don't ask, we have some sibling rivalry going on right now" I say as Gabby chuckles "oh I'm sure it will pass, it's completely normal she just needs time to get used to this new tiny human picking in on her play time" Gabby says as she hugs miley "shall we go see uncle Matt?" She asks miley as she nods

We follow gabby inside as we see everyone in the common room as they look over at us "heyyy....look who it is" Herman says pointing at us as he comes over to us. Gabby turns to head to find Matt with Miley as everyone comes over to me and Kelly.

"Everybody, this is Elyssa...Elyssa this is your family, they was all with you when you was born" Kelly says holding her car seat up for everyone to see her as the room fills with Awes.

Kelly places the chair down on the table as he starts to unbuckle her and picks her up, she stretches her arms up and scrunches her legs as she yawns "oh isn't she adorable" Brett says taking hold of her foot as Kelly lies her in his arms.

"So how is it with 2 bambino's" cruz asks Kelly pating his back "it's not easy believe me but we're getting there" Kelly says as I lean my head on his shoulder "surprisingly the new baby isn't the hardest part it's getting miley used to a new baby that's the challenge" I say as I stroke Elyssa's hair.

"Oh I hear you... I had the same issue when my second was born" Herman says as me and Kelly look at him "yeah? Do you have any tips?" I ask him

"Time, spend a lot of time with Miley i'm sure she's feeling a little pushed out at the moment, so take it in turns to spend time with her she will appreciate it and in turn might not feel so left out which can have a positive effect on her view of being a big sister. I also recommend pointing out to her how much the new baby loves her, that will help her feel involved and give her a boost in feeling confident about the change" Herman says as I nod

"Wow that's actually pretty good advice, I guess we will give it a try" I say as I look at Elyssa holding onto Kelly's finger.

"-are you really surprised this experienced dad of 5 had some decent parenting advice?" Herman says as I look at him and chuckle "no of course not, I'm just surprised we didn't come to you sooner, of course you would have the answers to help us out with this" I say as he rubs my back

"of course I do, so remember if you have anymore questions I'm your guy" he says patting my back and drinking the last of his coffee before he heads over to the sink to wash the cup.

"Ahh I thought I heard your voices" I hear Boden say as he comes around and hugs me "chief...hi" I say as he stands back and looks at Kelly and pats his shoulder "is this our little candidate?" Chief says looking at Elyssa

"Sure is" Kelly says turning her to Boden a little more "may I?" He asks as Kelly nods and hands her gently to chief as he gasps and smiles "oh she's precious" Boden says rocking side to side a little as he strokes her cheek. "Wow she looks like Kelly, poor thing" Boden says laughing as Kelly crosses his arms and shakes his head.

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