The results (21)

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Kellys POV

I stood leant against the bed post with my eyes on the en-suite bathroom door tapping my feet and playing with the nails on my fingers, my heart was racing a million beats per minute, so fast I felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

Stella was currently in the bathroom doing the tests and told me she will come out when the tests are ready to check. Miley was out playing in the living room with Curios George playing on the tv so she was very well entertained.

It had felt like an eternity had past and I began to get a little impatient, I started pacing the floor with my hands behind my head I stretch up and exhale as I also hear the floorboards creak behind me and I turn round seeing the en-suite door open as I walk over to it.

Stella holds up 3 tests "it's time" she says as I gulp and lean back against the bed and cross my arms she holds them to her chest as she stands in front of me, I put my arms down by my side as she quickly holds her hands out to have the test results facing up as I look down.

The word Pregnant Clear as day looking up at me as I move my eyes across all 3 tests, all 3 saying the same one word, Pregnant. I look up at stella as she still looks at me, guessing she hasn't looked down yet as she looks at me blankly "I don't want to look, I like us as we are right now, I don't want it to change" stella says as I take her face in my hand.

"Nothings going to change, nothing other than the space in our hearts, as we make room for one more little one" I say as she looks down at the tests "so I'm pregnant?" She says as I smile and nod as I lift her head up to look at me "we are pregnant" I say as a small smile creeps on her face.

"Is this what you want?" She asks me as I chuckle. "Stella this is more than anything I ever realised I wanted, we are going to have a mini us, a little bundle that will complete our little family, and Miley is going to be the best big sister, we both have so much love to give, we needed another little one to share it with" I say as I pull her with me as I sit down, pulling her onto my lap and hold her tightly "I love you, miley and our very own little one so much" I say as I place my hand on her stomach and stroke it slightly "Im going to be with you through it all, every appointment, every milestone, every little kick, everything leading up, until I get to see them take their first breath, and I'll make sure I'm the first thing he or she sees, and before you say it, what a lucky baby he or she will be, having me be the first thing they see" I say with a chuckle as stella chuckles a little

"Oh they are going to be lucky" stella says as she lies her head on my shoulder "are you sure you want this baby? Like 100 percent, as I'm absolutely terrified it will get to a point where you might change your mind and I am once again having to do this all on my own, I don't think I can do that again" stella says as I lift her head up and look down at her as I just look at her.

"I am in this, not just one hundred percent, not one thousand percent but a million percent! This is going to be the best thing to happen to me since I became officially miley's dad, and now I get to watch you grow my very own little one, or should I say our very own little one" I say as I smile at her, she smiles back at me as I lean down and kiss her.

I wrap my arm around her as I turn her against the bed as I lie on top of her, I kiss her forehead before I crawl down to her stomach and lift up her top as I kiss her stomach "hello baby, I am already so in love with you, just as much as I love your mummy and big sister" I whisper as I use my hand to also stroke Stellas stomach as I kiss it again.

I hear stella snuffle as I look up and see her wipe her eyes "you okay up there?" I ask as I sit up and look at her as she nods "yeah, sorry, just hearing you say all this gets me thinking how messed up I let it get with grant when I was pregnant with Miley, I don't think I remember hearing him tell me he loved me or miley, from finding out we was having a girl it all went sour so fast, but I stayed with him thinking he would get better, and hopefully change back to the old grant once he seen his child be born, but he didn't even do that" I hear stella says as I lift my hand up and stroke her face

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