Have more faith (16)

521 16 4

3 months later

Kelly's pov

I've just finished another shift and was on my way to Stella's, for the past month she has had her head down in all of the CFD manuals wanting to refresh all her knowledge on becoming a firefighter, she has booked in to resit her test today, so I promised to look after Miley so she can go down to the academy.

I walk up the stairs and knock on her door. "It's open" I hear her shout through as I open the door and walk in, I place my bag down and see her cleaning up Mileys high chair that she's sat in "she decided to play with her food rather than eat it" she says taking the dirty wipes to the bin as I look at Miley with food all over her face. She is now almost 8 months old and her personality has started to show a lot more.

I go over to her and she holds her arms out to me "mam mam ma" she babbles mam was her favourite word at the moment, it was her first word in fact and ever since she learnt to say it, it's all she says. I pick her up and hold her on my hip "hello you, you smell like bananas" I say as I wipe some of her face "yep I made her some banana oatmeal, but I'm sure she got more on her face and floor than in her mouth" Stella says as I look over at her and smile.

"Even with banana in her hair and on her nose she's still the cutest baby there is" I say bouncing her in my arms as she giggles. I turn around to look at Stella "so what time is your test today?" I ask her as she looks up at me and runs her hands through her hair "9am, you still good to look after miley right?" She asks putting the dishes away "yeah of course me and Cruz are meeting up we are going to take her and baby Otis to the park and then to the beach" I say as she nods "sounds fun, I have already made her some lunch it's in the fridge, I made her some pasta shapes, with some apple slices and yogurt, the pasta and apple slices she can eat herself but don't let her eat the yogurt herself otherwise it will..." Stella says as I walk over to her and kiss her forehead cutting her off mid sentence "all over her...I know, I made that mistake last week remember, ended up with ice cream all over my car and in my hair" I say as stella chuckles and tickles miley's cheek "just reminding you" she says kissing my cheek as she checks the time

"Right we'll I better get going, Herman said he will drop me off" she says as she misses my cheek then Mileys as she goes to walk off and I grab her hand and turn her around "Good luck" I say as I lean down and kiss her on the lips

She smiles at me then grabs her bag waving at me as she leaves her apartment. When she shuts the door I look down at miley as she looks up at me "right let's get you cleaned up and then we can go meet uncle Cruz and baby Otis, can you say Otis?" I ask miley as she smiles at me and claps her hands "mam mam" she says as I chuckle "maybe next time" I say as I go and get miley changed and cleaned up.

Once she was changed I sit her back in her high chair and text Cruz "hey, I'm ready when you are? Meet you at the park" I send it to Cruz as I grab the lunch Stella prepared and place it in Mileys bag along with a change of clothes, diapers and wipes

"Right missy shall we go have some fun" I say as she giggles and holds her hands out and I pick her up. I put the bag on my shoulder then head down to my car. I put her in her car seat then I climb in the front and start driving to the park, I put some music on and I look in my mirror to see Miley moving her head and shoulders to the music as I chuckle.

After a 15 minute car ride through the city we arrive at the park opposite the beach. As I'm driving round the parking lot I spot Cruz's car and find a space next to him and I go and drive into it, I see him sat in his car looking down at his phone, I turn the car off and Cruz looks up and sees me and waves.

I get out the car and grab Miley from her seat as Cruz gets out and gets Otis "where's uncle Sev" I hear Cruz say as I grab Mileys bag and put it over my shoulder I turn around and see Otis screeching with excitement "hey little man, look who I've brought" I say showing Miley to Otis as they both look at each other and giggle and start babbling baby noises.

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