The unusual routine (7)

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Stella's POV

We placed the last few decorations onto the tree as Kelly held up a star to go on the top he turns and looks at me holding Miley as he takes her from me and places the star in her hand as he holds her up and helps her place the star on the tree.

He brings her back down and smiles as he hands her back to me before he leans round the back to turn the lights on.

"Wow, it looks amazing, look princess this one is better than mummy's" I say holding Miley to look at the lights as she flaps her arms a little in excitement.

Kelly comes and stands next to me "the firehouse is having a little Christmas thing for the neighbourhood tomorrow, Santa is said to be making a stop, it will be great for Miley, Chloe will be there with her little boy" Kelly tells me as I smile

"Yeah, I'll be there, sounds fun" I say as Kelly smiles at me. "Starts at around 12 but you can come anytime, I'll be there from 8am anyway for my shift" Kelly says as I nod.

"How far is it to walk, just so I know, I don't have money for a cab or anything" I say as I look down and Kelly lifts my head up "don't worry I've got you" he says as he heads over to the side table pulling out his wallet and handing me a few notes

"Woah no I can't take that" I say putting his hand down "come on, you can pay me back when ever you can" Kelly says as he places the notes in my hand.

"Thankyou, honestly, I don't know how I'll ever pay you back but I'll figure it out" I say as Kelly smiles at me "for now, just let me get plenty of cuddles from this one and I'll be happy" Kelly says tickling Mileys feet as she kicks them away and smiles at him.

"That I can do" I say as I look down at miley and smile "I can tell she loves you already" I say as Kelly looks up at me "who wouldn't, look at me, who wouldn't love to see this face" Kelly says jokingly as I laugh and shake my head.

"Your great with her, have you had a child of your own or a little sibling" I ask him as he stands up straight and shakes his head "nope, never found the right woman to settle down with, it's hard with my job you know, kinda married to my job instead, but who knows maybe one day aye" Kelly says squeezing Mileys cheeks.

"I'm sure there is someone out there for you, and she will be so lucky to have you" I tell him as I play with Mileys hands.

"I'm not looking but I'm sure if my someone is out there, we will cross paths somehow" Kelly says as he goes and sits down at the sofa. I decide to follow him and lie miley next to me "so do you have any plans for today?" Kelly asks me as I shake my head and look at him

"No, I tend to stay inside, I'm not from around here, wouldn't want to get lost again" I jokingly say as Kelly laughs "why don't we go out, I can show you a few places, go grab some food, and a hot chocolate" Kelly says as I smile "that sounds fun, I love a hot chocolate" I say as Kelly stands up "I know a place, they do the best hot chocolates this time of year, with all the trimmings too" he says excitedly as I stand up and grab Miley

"Sounds awesome let me go get myself and Miley dressed then we can go" I say as I head to my bedroom down the corridor.

Once Me and Miley are dressed I carry ember out and place her in the stroller "so where to first?" I ask Kelly as he puts his coat on "I thought we could take a stroll through the park, the hot chocolate stand is in the park, then we can find somewhere to go for dinner" Kelly says as I nod "sounds perfect, let's go" I say as Kelly opens the door and lets me walk out first

We head down to the ground floor and we walk outside "it's still snowing, looks like we are going to have a white Christmas" I say as Kelly looks up at the snow falling and smiles "I don't mind the snow it's just the cold that bothers me" Kelly says rubbing his hands as he puts them in his pocket.

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