Perfect Family (24)

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Stellas POV

As soon as we arrived at the hospital a nurse carefully took Elyssa from my arms and placed her in an incubator telling me they were going to have her checked over in NICU. I told Kelly to go with her, and that I would be fine, and with a quick kiss to my lips he went chasing after the nurse who took Elyssa.

I watch him catch up to her as he places his hand against the clear cover placed over her. I lost sight of them when I was wheeled down the opposite corridor and placed on the maternity ward.

Given the circumstances they offered me my own private room so it wouldn't upset me seeing the other mothers with their babies, to which I agreed too.

They wheeled my bed into the centre of the room, as Dr Asher came in. "Well hello Stella, seeing you a lot sooner than I hoped" she says walking to my right side of the bed and placing a hand on my arm.

"Yeah little miss Elyssa didn't want to wait apparently" I say as Asher lies my bed back a little "Elyssa, what a beautiful name, just heard from the nurses down at NICU she's a little dot, they gave me her weight, Ive got it written down here somewhere" she says flicking through the pages on the clipboard "baby Kidd? Where did I put you...ahh here we are, Baby Kidd, girl, 2.2 kilograms which is 4lb 8oz, healthy weight for a preterm" Asher says as I smile

"She was so tiny, I still can't believe I did it, and without any pain relief, i don't know how I managed that as I'm sure it hurt more pushing her tiny frame out than Mileys" I say lying back as Asher puts on some gloves

"I hear that from many women that their smaller babies were a lot harder than their bigger babies" Asher says as she grabs a tray of tools "so I'm just going to check you over make sure all the placenta has come away and check for any tears and cuts that may need stitching" Asher says as I nod and lift my legs up, Asher pulls back the bottom of the blanket placing it on my knees as she sits on the foot of the bed

"Just let me know if you feel any pain or discomfort, I'll try be as gentle as I can" Asher says as I nod, staring up at the ceiling wincing a little as I feel Asher examine me "you okay?" She asks me

"Yeah, just not the most comfortable and pleasant feelings" I say with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah nothing about this part of labour is unfortunately, but your taking it like a trooper" she says as she finishes the examination "well everything looks good, placenta has all come away and no signs of any tears or cuts, do you have any concerns or questions" Asher asks me as I put my legs down and shake my head "not at the moment no" I say as she writes a few notes down.

I hear my phone ringing in my bag that Kelly placed on my bed before he left as I carefully sit up and reach over to my bag and take out my phone, seeing it was Kelly FaceTiming and I answer it.

"Hey mama, look who passed all her first lot of testing" I hear Kelly's voice say as the phone is turned towards the incubator that Elyssa is lay in.

"Aww my baby girl, mummy is so proud of you, I'll be with you as soon as I can" I say as I kiss my phone screen.

"What's the wire going into her nose for?" I ask him

"Feeding tube, she was crying when we brought her in, all the excitement of meeting her mummy and daddy must have gave her an appetite, so they asked if they can give her formula, I said yes, I hope that's alright, I didn't know the plans around how and what we are feeding her, but they said if you decided you wanted to give her breast they will let you express for her feeding tube" he says

"Yeah that's fine, don't worry, if she needed feeding, she needed feeding, if I can still have her on breast milk then I would prefer that" I say as Asher comes over to me

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