A wrong number (30)

452 13 3

Stella's POV

Today was the day I go to speak with Dr Asher again in regard to the surgery, I dropped The girls off with Jennifer before heading to the firehouse to pick up Kelly after he finished his shift so the both of us could attend the appointment .

We followed Asher into her office once she called my name, as she introduced me to a Doctor Henderson who will the surgeon in charge of the procedure, who was joining us to answer any question I may have.

"So...first of all, have you made your decision?" Asher asks me as we all sit down. "Yeah, I've weighed up my options and I want to go ahead with the surgery" I tell Asher as she nods.

"Excellent, well Doctor Henderson would like to start off straight away with going over a few things with you, and talking you through the actual procedure" Asher says turning to Doctor Henderson as she smiles at me.

"First of all do you have any questions before I start?" Dr Henderson asks me

"How many times have you done this procedure?" I ask her as she nods "can't say I've kept track but enough times to do with my eyes closed, all successful too" she says chuckling a little as I exhale and smile "well that's a great start" I say looking at Kelly as he grabs my hand and smiles.

"Will I be awake the whole duration of the procedure?" I ask her.

"Yes, it's a minimally invasive surgery so only a small incision into the skin will be needed and everything is done through the vision of a tiny little camera on the end of a tube, in fact I have an example of the tube we will use" she says opening the folders and pulling out the thinnest of tubes I ever seen "this little thing, will be pushed through the incision and using the camera we will locate the fluid and flush as much as we can out" she says as I take hold of the tube

"That's it...this thin little thing?" I ask chuckling "yeah, now that's just an example, the one we will use will be longer of course to reach the blockage but the width is the same." Dr Henderson says as I nod and hand her the tube back.

"So what would happen if it fails" I ask holding Kelly's hand tighter.

"As I'm sure Dr Asher made you aware there may be the risk of us having to perform a Salpingectomy, which would be the removal of any damaged fallopian tubes, this would only happen in cases where hardened tissue has formed around the tubes which can cause fatal blood clots and damage to the surrounding organs like your bladder and intestines, or in rare cases the built up fluid has caused so much swelled a tear is made in the tubes itself, but we won't be able to see any of that until we start the procedure as they won't show on any scans" dr Henderson says as I nod. "So what happens if they need removing?" I ask her

"Well we would need to cut a more wider incision about 6-8 inches wide just above your pubic bone we will need to put you out for this so will place you under anaesthesia, whilst your out we can then go in and manually tie off and remove your tubes, shouldn't take any longer than 45 minutes" Dr Henderson says I exhale once more and run my hands through my hair.

"You okay honey" I hear Kelly say as he rubs his hand over my thigh. I look at him and nod "I run in to burning building and put myself in harms way everyday, but yet this is what terrifies me, I don't even know why I'm letting it get to me so much" I say as he squeezes my thigh then grabs my hand as he brings it up to his lips and kisses it.

"Because you're human, helping others comes naturally to you so that wouldn't scare you, but this is about you, and the natural maternal side of you realising you're about to go through a potentially life changing procedure yourself which may take away your choice of any more future babies, naturally anyway...but don't forget we are lucky enough to be in a place financially to give ourselves a safety net, even if that meant pushing our wedding back even further...I just want you to be happy" Kelly says as he kissing my hand again.

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