All I need (18)

475 12 2

1 month later

Stella's POV

I have been at 51 for almost a month now and I'm loving every minute of it so far, today was our day off and we had a meeting with a family lawyer to discuss Kelly adopting Miley.

I went into Mileys room and seen her stood up in her cot holding the bars banging her rattle against it as she looks out her window "what's all this noise then" I shout jokingly, scaring her as she jumps and drops her rattle, she notices me and smiles as she holds onto the bar and continuously bends her legs as she bounces "mamaaa" she squeals as I pick her up out her cot.

I bring her out into the living room where Kelly was already making breakfast as I sit her in her high chair, kelly comes behind me and hands her a plate of cut up pancakes with banana slices and syrup.

She picks up a banana slice first and chews on it as kelly then places some pancakes in front of me "your too good to us" I say as he bends down and kisses me.

He then sits at the table opposite me as we both start eating our pancakes, I look up and spot kelly looking at miley chuckling as I look at her and see her placing the slice of banana on her head as I roll my eyes and shake my head "when people ask why does my child always smell like fruit, it's because she likes to mash them into her hair" I say as I try to flick some banana out of her hair as she grabs a slice of pancake and eats it.

"So what time do we have that meeting with the lawyer?" Kelly asks me

"11:45 so we have plenty of time as it's only just turned 9" I say as he nods. "So I have time to bath this banana covered monkey" I say tickling Miley as she giggles.

We soon finish eating breakfast and whilst kelly cleans up Mileys chair and the dishes I take Miley for a bath, when she sees where we are going she instantly gets excited and kicks her arms and legs "are we going to try to keep the water in the tub this time" I ask rhetorically as I sit her down on bath mat then start to fill the bath up, I place a couple of her rubber ducks in the water and add some baby bath oil, once the water is a few inches deep I test the temperature then start to undress miley.

When I sit her in the bath she grabs one of the ducks and splashed it in the water as she giggles "keep water in the tub, mission failed" I say noticing the floor has already started to get wet.

I grab a cup from the side and fill it with water as I slowly pour it over her hair, making sure it doesn't go over her face. I grab some baby shampoo and rub it gently into her hair before I wash it out. I leave the cup in the bath as I turn to grab her a towel from the towel rack when I turn round I see her filling the cup up and tipping it out onto the floor "MILEY RAE!" I shout as she jumps then looks at me and giggles as she fills the cup up again "No!" I say as I step forward but she throws the cup out the bath and onto the floor as she splashed and giggles "you are such a rebel" I say as I pick her up and wrap the towel around her as I turn around I see Kelly coming to the door as he looks at the floor and he laughs "when I heard you shout her name I could have guessed what she done" Kelly says as he grabs a towel and places it on the floor to dry it up

"It was my fault I left her with the cup" I say as I chuckle and take her to her room so I can get her dressed.

Once she was dressed I went out to place her in her baby Walker as Kelly walked out of our room now dressed in some black pants and a blue shirt "you look smart" I tell him as I walk past him "making a good first impression" he says as I roll my eyes and look in the part of the wardrobe I've claimed with my clothes. I find some leather pants and a white blouse and put them on, I go over to my bedside table and grab my perfume and spray a little on my neck and wrists before brush through my hair then grab a claw lip and clip back the front of my hair.

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