Its only going to get better (14)

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Kelly's POV

"on the charges of domestic violence, how does the jury find the accused" the judge asks looking over at the jury as one man stands up "on the charges of domestic violence we find Grant Smith...Guilty" they say as I let out a breath of relief for Stella

"What! NO! I never touched the whore, she's making the whole thing up" grant shouts as he stands up  but officers hold him back "SILENCE" the judge shouts as he hits his gavel

"I hereby sentence Mr Grant Smith the maximum penalty of 5 years, and a settlement divorce granted, the battle of custody will be foreclosed until further notice" the judge says hitting the gavel to end the case.

We all stand up and I look at Stella as she turns around and immediately leans over the barrier and hugs me "we did it, it's over" she says almost breaking down as I rub her back. I sat behind her in the stands as she was sat up front with Victoria.

"No you did it, you made this all possible, you found the courage to talk to someone and leave, this is all you" I say still hugging her. She pulls back as she hugs Victoria.

I watch an officer grab Grants arms as they walk him towards a door to take him away. As he's walked round the front he looks over at me and spits, it gets on my face and I wipe it away.

"He is one disgusting man, I hope he gets everything coming to him" I say as Stella looks at me and helps me wipe Grants spit off my face and clothes "he really is, I'm sorry about this" Stella says as I lift her head up "you don't have to keep apologising for him, not anymore" I say to her as she smiles

"Come on let's get out of here, go pick up our girl from Chloe and then what do you say all 3 of us go out for a meal and celebrate the win" i tell Stella as she looks at me with a big grin not saying anything "what?" I ask confused "you called Miley our girl" she tells me softly as I nod "yeah, because she is, I love her as my own, for as long as I love you, I'm going to love Miley and I plan on loving you forever" I tell Stella as she keeps smiling and leans up and kisses me "I love you so much" she says as she pulls away and walks round to the gate as I meet her and take her hand as we walk out the court room.


Once we had picked Miley up from Chloe we went straight back to Stellas apartment, and I fed Miley with one of her pre-made bottles as I gave stella my phone to look for a place for us to go out for a meal.

"Ohh this place looks nice, it's called River Roast" I hear Stella say as she shows me my phone "ohh it does actually, see if you can reserve a table for about half 6" I say as she nods then continues to scroll on my phone.

"All booked, for 6:45" Stella says after a few minutes "I used their online booking system" she says placing my phone down on the coffee table.

After Miley had finished feeding I pass Stella the empty bottle as she looks at it shocked "going to have to get her bigger bottles and express more" Stella says with a chuckle as I bounce Miley on my knee "she's getting chunky now" I say looking at Miley as she looks at me and giggles.

"Now your all fed, time for Mummy and me to go have a nice roast dinner" I say to miley as I sit her in her chair and she cuddles up to her blanket, I look at my watch and stand up "just over an hour to get ready, so I'm gonna shoot off to mine now, it won't take me long to get changed, I will be back here to pick Yous both up for about 6:20" I tell Stella as she nods "yeah we will both be ready by then" Stella says standing up, she grabs the empty bottle and takes it to the wash.

I walk over to her and stand behind her as I rest my head on her shoulder "don't miss me too much" I say as I kiss the side of her face "I'll try not to" she says turning her head and kissing me as I smile then grab my keys and jacket as I leave her apartment.

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