The firehouse festivities (8)

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Kelly's pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my phone as I quickly lean over and shut it off, I feel stella stir a little as she rolls over and opens her eyes looking up at me "sorry, I didn't want to wake you" I say as she smiles and pulls the covers up

"It's okay, what time is it" she asks rubbing her eyes and sitting up "5:30" I tell her knowing that's what time my alarm goes of every shift day

"Did Miley not wake up last night" she asks me worried as she crawls down the bed to the bottom where mileys cot is as I sit up and walk over to the cot and see miley wide awake cuddled up to her blanket, she smiles up at me and Stella.

"Has she ever slept through the night before" I ask stella as she looks at me and shakes her head "no, first time, she must be really settled here" stella says as she leans over The cot and picks miley up.

"Good morning sleepy head" stella says as she cradles miley "do you want me to fix you up some breakfast before I leave for work" I ask stella as she looks at me and nods "yes please that would be great Thankyou" she says as I smile, leaning over and kissing her cheek before I walk out of the bedroom.

I head to the kitchen and start to make some cheese toasties.

Half way through making them stella walks out holding miley "I would have brought it to bed for you" I tell her as she goes and sits in the sofa "sorry, what you making anyway" she asks as I plate the toastie up "a cheese toastie" I say bringing it over to her as she lies miley next to her and starts to eat it.

"What time is the thing today?" She asks me after taking a few bites "it starts at 12 but you are welcome anytime" I tell her as I sit down at the kitchen table and eat my toastie.

After we have both eaten I love the plates in the washer and go get dressed for work.

Once I'm dressed and my overnight bag is packed I walk out with the bag over my shoulder "so I guess I will see you both at the firehouse later" I tell Stella as I lean over the back of the sofa where she's sat and kiss the side of her head

"Of course, I will probably head over about 11" she tells me as I smile and grab my keys as I head out the apartment.


A few hours later, squad are just getting back from a call as I climb out the rig I hear my phone ding in my trouser pocket and I reach into it as I take my phone out and see a text from stella "just booked a taxi, will be there in about 15 minutes" the text reads as I smile and quickly reply

"Looking forward to seeing you both, if I'm not here when you get here just wait at the table on the app floor and if anyone asks just say I gave you permission" I reply back still grinning at the thought of seeing her again

"Who's text sing you that's got you grinning like the Cheshire Cat" I hear Matt say as he walks from truck and I look up at him "Remember Stella who you all met at mollys the other night?" I tell him as we both walk inside

"Oh yeah, the lady with the baby" Matt says as I nod "yeah, Miley" I say as he looks at me and burrows his eye brows "is she your new fling" he asks as I don't know what to respond and just shrug "what's the story here, I'm getting some kind of vibe" Matt asks intrigued as we both walk into my office and I grab some cigars from my draw

"I'll tell you over a smoke" I say holding up the two cigars as he take some from me and we head outside, Matt takes out a light and lights my cigar.

"So tell me...I'm intrigued" he says as he lights his. "We'll do you remember that night I came back from a call and you hear me and Cruz talking about a woman and baby hiding out in our turn out room" I ask Matt as he looks at me with squinting eyes "I vaguely remember a conversation" he says as I take a puff of my cigar

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