She found me (9)

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Kelly's POV

I Wake up from my sleep to feel an empty space next to me, I sit up and look around, she wasn't in here.

I stand up and head out of the bedroom where I see Stella sat on the sofa feeding Miley "oh hello sleepy head, was going to wonder when you would rise" stella says as I walk into the kitchen "there's some breakfast on the stove, should still be warm" stella says as I see French toast on the pan "oh Thankyou, you didn't have to make me breakfast" I say as I put the toast onto a plate and go and sit on the sofa

"I came and sat out here so I didn't wake you when Miley woke up crying" stella says as I start eating my toast "it's fine, I wouldn't mind if she woke me up anyway, can't be mad at her little face " I say as stella sits her up and covers up her chest

As Stella sits miley up she looks at me and smiles "see look, she's too cute" I say pointing to her smiling.

Just then my phone dings and I grab it from off the coffee table "it's Herman, he's sent me the details for your shift tonight" I say to Stella as I show her the message "he wants me from 5:45 till 7:45, is that okay with you to have Miley then" stella says as I nod "of course, I'll even drop you off and pick you up" I say as Stella smiles at me and I put my phone down.


It was now 5pm and Stella has just finished feeding Miley so assured me she shouldn't need feeding whilst she's out and if she's unsettled it may just be she needs a diaper change or cuddles.

I have never changed a diaper before but how hard can it be I'm sure I will be fine.

Stella has just jumped in the shower before she gets dressed and I can drop her off. I placed Miley in her car seat ready as I finish buckling her in stella walks down the corridor now dressed and ready, I look at my watch "we better get going, don't want you to be late for your first day" I say as she smiles and grab her coat.

"Are you okay to grab Miley" stella says as I nod and grab her seat and lift her up "she already in her seat" I say as stella keeps smiling "right let's go then" I say as I grab my keys and Stella opens the door and we walk out

I strap Mileys seat in the car and Stella climbs in the front, I climb in when Miley is all secured in and I start the car "are you ready" I ask stella as she lets out a deep breath "as I'll ever be" she says smiling at me as I lean my hand over and squeeze her thigh "the people will love you, and Herman and Otis will be there if you need any help, and I'm sure some of the other guys from the firehouse will be there having a drink" I say as she nods and smiles at me "I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm actually really looking forward to it" she says with a grin "good I'm glad, it will be good for you" I say as I keep my hand on her thigh as I continue to drive

Once we arrive stella looks up at the bar "why don't you come in for one drink, or will seeing me hard at work be too much for you" stella says with a wink as I put my hand behind her head on the back of her seat "I would love to but I have plans for me and miley, we're going to have fun" I say looking at her car seat in the back before looking back at Stella

"Okay, I'll text you when I'm finished" stella says leaning over and kissing my cheek "good luck" I say as she smiles and climbs out the car and heads inside.

I wait till she's inside before I head back to the apartment, once I arrive I take Miley out her car seat, leaving it in the car saves me fitting it in again later as I carry her up to my apartment.

"Right little one, you ready to have some fun" I say to Miley holding her up in front of me as she looks at me and smiles as she crunches up her legs "I take that as a yes" I say as Bring her to my chest and go into the cupboard where I hid a bag of shopping I got before I came home from my shift this morning

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