Pay it forward (5)

496 13 3

Stella's POV

It was now a couple of days before Christmas and I still haven't gotten Miley any presents, I know she's still only a baby and doesn't understand but it's her first Christmas, the first Christmas I will be having with a child, so I will remember and as much as I want it to be special I know, no matter how hard I try it won't be as special as I would like it.

I always imagined the first Christmas with our baby waking up in our own house that we made into a loving home, decked out with Christmas decorations and the smell of the turkey slowly cooking in the oven, with a mountain full of presents under a big well lit tree, just waiting for her to wake up so we can unwrap all her gifts with her.

Instead we are renting out a small apartment until the end of January when Grants tour continues, and we move on to the next state.

Grant finished the first leg of his tour last week and everyone has gone on a break for Christmas, I hoped this break would mean I see grant more and he would be less stressed but he has been out at the bar with his band mates and writing new songs so I've barely seen him.

I finished dressing Miley in her teddy fleece onesie and I lie her down in her cot as I look down at her and smile, she had her eyes wide open looking up at "hello princess, look at you all wide awake" I say in a baby voice as she smiles a little

I take my phone out to try capture a picture of her smiling but she stops, I take a picture anyway because she looks so darn cute

I take my phone out to try capture a picture of her smiling but she stops, I take a picture anyway because she looks so darn cute

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*^the picture Stella took of Miley^*

Whilst she lay in her cot I went and put my shoes on and grabbed her stroller from the cupboard l, we was going out to do some shopping today, I managed to convince Grant last night to give me some money so I could go buy Miley some Christmas presents. He only gave me $100 but it's something, it will at least get her a couple of small gifts to open on Christmas.

I pick Miley up out her cot and place her in the car seat part of her stroller and put a couple of blankets over her.

I put my coat on and grab the apartment keys as I push the stroller out and lock the door, I head out the apartment block and load maps up on my phone and follow the route to the nearest shopping mall.

It was only a 10 minute walk and the first store I went in was a toy shop where I got her a few rattles and sensory toys, along with some Christmas wrap to wrap them in, next I headed to a clothes store and picked out a few outfits. I had $40 left so decided I would go to the Walmart across the street to get a small Christmas tree and some lights to place in the apartment to make it somewhat cosy

I walk around the store and look down the seasonal isle, the smallest tree they had was for $29 it wasn't real but it would do, I balance the tree across the handle of the stroller as I look around for some lights and decorations I pick the last few that are on the shelves and then head to the tills and load the stuff on the belt as the cashier starts to scan the items

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