Half of him (25)

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Stellas POV

It's been a little over 2 days since Elyssa was born, and neither me or Kelly have left her side, unless for the obvious to go the toilet or get some food. Jennifer brought Miley up to see us every afternoon and stayed with us for a few hours so she wasn't missing us too much.

Jennifer and Miley were still here for this afternoons visit when Dr Manning had come over to do her frequent daily checks on Elyssa.

"I think it's time for some cuddles" manning says as I look at her shocked. "What? Are you serious?" I ask as she opens up the main hatch of the incubator "yeah, her vitals have been stable all day and night, I think she really wants her cuddles" manning says placing her hands underneath her body as I smile "well we all want cuddles too, shall nanny have cuddles first" I say looking at Jennifer as she looks at me shocked "what...no don't be daft" she says shaking her head.

"No I'm serious, as a Thankyou for looking after Miley, it's the least I can do or offer" I say as she smiles at me and holds her hand against her chest. "I'd love to" she says coming round to sit on the empty chair.

Manning carefully takes Elyssa out the incubator, moving her feeding tube and heart monitor wires out the way as she lies her gently into Jennifer's arms. "Oh she looks even tinier out of that thing, I've never held one so small before" Jennifer says looking down at Elyssa as she strokes her face.

"Oh she's precious" Jennifer says wiping her eye "now look what you made nanny do...you got her all bubbling up" Jennifer says with a chuckle, I look at Kelly as he looks proud as punch looking at the 2 as I lean into his side, he wraps his arm around me and kissed my shoulder.

"Don't think I've ever seen her this happy, Thankyou" Kelly whispers to me as I turn and look at him "why you saying Thankyou to me? You was there too when we created her" I say laughing a little as he chuckles "yeah but you did all the hard work, this is all on you" he whisper again as he moves to behind me and hugs me from behind.

I look down at Miley stood in front of me looking At Jennifer and Elyssa as I push her forward slightly "go say hi princess" I tell her as she moves forward to Jennifer, I watch Jennifer gently move Elyssa down so Miley can see her, I hear Miley giggling as she pokes Elyssas nose causing her to move her head, she keeps poking her nose as Elyssa opens her mouth and lifts her head up to try suckle on Mileys finger.

Miley moves her hand away quickly and turns to me holding her hand up "Essa bite" she says sticking her lip out as I laugh "she didn't bite you angel, she just thought you was food" Miley turns back around to Elyssa and I see her lift her hand up and slap Elyssa "Bad Baby bite" I hear her say as Jennifer quickly moves the baby back.

Elyssa's cries fill the room as I pull miley back "Miley Rae Severide, you say you're sorry right now Miss" I shout causing her to jump as she looks at me then at Kelly as she puts her arms out to him wanting him  to take her and he goes down to pick her up as I hold my arm out stopping him "no, no cuddles from daddy until you say you're sorry" she brings her hands to her mouth lifting her arms up to hide her face as her lip sticks out.

I let her cry as I look over at Jennifer and Elyssa "is she okay" I ask stroking her face as Jennifer nods "yeah I think it just shocked her" Jennifer says as manning comes over to check her over "she's fine, no harm done" manning says as she stands up and looks at miley "looks like this is getting a bit all too much for little miss Miley, do you want to come with me and we can see what toys we can find" manning says holding her hand out to Miley. Miley takes hold of it as they both walk out the room.

"She's done it once now and knows it's wrong, I'm sure she won't do it again" Jennifer says as I keep stroking Elyssa's face "she never hit out at anyone before, I don't know where she's got that from as we have never raised a hand to her" I say taking Elyssa from Jennifer and holding her in my arms.

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