The New year kiss (11)

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Stellas POV

The day's continued to pass it was now New Year's Eve, Kelly was on shift yesterday and was due back anytime now, Miley had woke up not long ago for a feed so I had her against my chest whilst I paced around the apartment.

I also had another shift tonight at Mollys, it was expected to be very busy due to it being New Year's Eve, Herman asked if I could work 7pm- 1:30am Kelly agreed to have Miley but said he would be at Mollys anyway so I can be with Miley when the new year comes in, Herman reassured me I can take as many breaks as I need to, and just enjoy myself, as long as the bar is taking in money when there's customers he doesn't mind how I spend my shift at quiet times.

Half way through feeding Miley, the apartment door opens and I turn round to see Kelly walking in and placing his overnight bag down on the floor.

"Hey you, how was work" I ask him as he looks up at me and smiles "it was great, pretty slow and quiet which was surprising, glad I won't be working tonight or tomorrow, I can imagine it being very busy" he says coming over and kissing my cheek

"So instead your coming to me at my work" I say jokingly as he nods "at least I get beer there" he says back as I laugh. "I'm going to go for a shower" he says leaving to head to the bathroom.

After a while Miley finishes feeding so I adjust my shirt and then sit her up against my chest. I make my way to our room and get her dressed. I lie her in a cot as I grab her changing bag and fill it back up with a couple of changes of clothes, diapers and wipes for later whilst we are out at Mollys.

As I'm packing it up I hear someone enter the bedroom and turn round to see Kelly in just his boxers and his hair wet "oh there it is" he says looking at the bedside table where his watch is, he moves closer and I could smell his mint scented shower gel that lingered on his skin "you smell a lot better than you did before" I say as he grabs his watch from the bedside table and looks over at me and smiles "maybe next time you can join me" he says with a wink

"Maybe I will" I say as he puts his watch on his wrist "now go out a shirt on, your making me all hot and bothered" I say jokingly as he messes with the waistline of his boxers, adjusting them slightly lifting them up a little "that was the plan" he says chuckling as he turns around to leave the bedroom, I watch him walk away as I shake my head. 


It was now just after 6pm Kelly went for a sleep a couple of hours ago, I had just finished getting dressed ready for my shift at Mollys, I check the time on my watch and go to Kelly's room, he was lay star fished snoring his little head away.

I sit on the bed next to him and lean down and kiss him "wakey wakey sleepy head, it's just gone 6" I whisper as I keep kissing him, I soon feel his lips pucker as he kisses me back and turns his head as I pull back and see him open his eyes "hmm wake me up like that more often please" he says in a low raspy voice as he sits up, I stand up as Kelly looks at me "I'll get ready now and then I'll be out" he says as I smile then walk out to the living room where miley is lay in her chair, I pick her up then take her over to her car seat and place her in it ready.

Soon kelly comes out now dressed in a black shirt and dark grey jeans, his top few buttons of his shirt undone showing of his chain underneath. "Right are you ready?" He says adjusting his collar as I pick up Mileys car seat "yep, let's go" I say as we both head out and downstairs.

When we arrive at Mollys it was 6:55, Kelly takes Miley from the car as I head inside so I'm not late. I head to the bar and Herman opens it up to let me behind "you ready for a fun busy night" Herman says as he pours a pint for a customer and I nod "more than ready" I say taking off my coat and putting it under the bar.

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