Last resort (31)

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Stella's pov

The weeks had passed and today was finally the day of my surgery, the girls were with their auntie Vi for the day, she had plans to take them to the park but the weather wasn't great so was taking them to an indoor play area instead. "To burn of some of Miley's energy" he reason was which i appreciated as she can be a lot and when i'm done today i've been told to rest plenty, something that's hard to do with a very energetic child.

Elyssa wasn't too bad as 4 month olds just like to sleep and get plenty of cuddles which I can easily do.

We was in the car on the way to med, when I felt Kelly's hand come across to me as he holds my hand "you okay over there, your quiet" he says as I nod and hum "yeah...just still a little nervous is all" I say as he looks at me and smiles "that's completely normal, Im gonna be by your side through it all, okay?" He says as I nod and lift his head up to kiss it, holding it against my cheek as I look forward to where he's going.

Once we make it to med and park the car I turn to Kelly and stroke my hand down the back of his head, stroking his neck "I really love you, you know" I tell him as he turns to me and looks at me for a second "I know" he says as I pull his head to mine as I kiss him.

"Come on, the sooner we get in there the sooner we can get out and back to our girls" he says as I nod and climb out the car, he comes around to me to take my hand kissing it before we start heading inside.

Once we are all checked in we are immediately sent to another area of the hospital where I bump into Dr Asher "ahh Stella right on time and the person I want to see" Asher says as she turns around "come straight in" she says taking us to a cubicle where the surgeon I met the other week was also waiting inside.

"Hey Stella, you ready to get this started then" the surgeon dr Henderson asks me as I nod "I guess so" I say nervously as she taps the bed "come on then hop up" she says as I go over to the bed and sit on it, turning around to lie down as Kelly brings his chair over to be by my side.

"If you want to just lift your top up for me and lower your trouser just below your groin for me" dr Anderson says as I lift my top and lower the waist band of my trousers.

"Perfect" she says as she turns around to put on some gloves and brings her equipment closer to her, Asher brings over a needle and syringe with a Vial as she takes them from her "now just going to apply some anaesthetic to this area here where we will be inserting the tube and camera" dr Anderson tells me pointing to my lower abdomen as I nod.

I feel a sharp pinch as Kelly grabs my hand and strokes it "now we will just wait a couple minutes for that to kick in and we will get started, do you want to listen to any music or anything, I can get Asher to put the radio on" she asks me as I shake my head "no I'm okay, Kelly can make himself useful and keep me entertained" I say looking at Kelly as I smile.

"I mean I only know one way to do that, and I don't think right now that is possible" he says as I roll my eyes and slap his shoulder as he laughs.

"I'm about I show you all the photos and videos I have on my phone of the girls, that should keep you occupied" he says as I nod "that would be wonderful" I tell him as he takes his phone out his pocket and leans on the bed as he holds his phone over my chest so we can both see it.

He goes onto his camera roll and starts on the most recent ones, I laugh at a couple of them as it was ones of him and Miley pulling funny faces and using Snapchat filters.

As he scrolled through them there was ones he took of me without me knowing as I scroll back to one he took where I'm asleep with Elyssa on my chest and Miley cuddled into my side "why don't I know about these" I ask with a slight chuckle as he shrugs "I've got loads, I just get snap happy around you" he says as I look at him and smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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