The new york trip (15)

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2 weeks later

Stella's POV

We landed in New York 3 days ago, it was Mileys first time on a plane and she did pretty well, she slept for the entire 2 hour flight, I was surprised and hoping she does the same on the way back.

So far we have we visited the Empire State Building and gone right to the top to see the views of New York, took a boat ride to get as close to the Statue of Liberty as we could, and had a long stroll round Central Park.

Today we planned to lounge in the hotel and take advantage of their facilities, we booked Miley into the crèche for 5pm so me and Kelly could do some spa treatments, it took me some convincing to allow strangers to look after Miley but they assured me she would be safe and she will have a security band around her ankle that will set of an alarm if she was moved from out the crèche or when it's removed after its fastened, which settled my nerves a little bit.

We was on our way down to the lobby to drop Miley off Kelly continued to reassure me she will be fine and I will love this spa but I couldn't help but worry, I'm a very protective mother I can't help it.

"Miley Rae Kidd, she was booked in for 5pm" I hear Kelly tell the crèche receptionist as she looks on her computer "yep got her here, she's in our sunshine room today with Miss Aries and Mrs Howard, they will take good care of her" the receptionist says grabbing a small anklet and handing it to us as I take it and place it around Mileys ankle "we just need to set a passcode for when you come to pick her up" the receptionist tells us "1025, it's her birthday" I say as she makes note of it

"Excellent, she's all checked in, I'll buzz Yous in now, the alarm will sound as you pass through but that's because of the anklet" the receptionist says as we both nod and head through the gate, as said the alarm did go off kelly put his arm round me and pulled me into his side as we headed into the sunshine room "try and relax, she's going to be okay" he whispers to me as a woman comes over to greet us

"And this must me little Miley, I'm Miss Aries I will be looking after this little one today" she says bending down to Miley as she tickles her feet and Miley giggles, I hug miley tightly and kiss her cheek and reluctantly hand her over to the woman "she's due a nap so should just sleep whilst she's here" I say as the woman takes a hold of miley and nods "the other 2 we have are sleeping now, we will place her in a cot, now you two go relax and enjoy yourself, she's in good hands" the woman says as she lifts mileys hand up and moves it around to wave at us "say bye bye to mummy and daddy" the woman says as I go to correct her that Kelly isn't her dad

"Bye baby, be a good girl, we will miss you" Kelly says before I can say anything as I look at him and smile.

The woman walks over to a cot with Miley and places her in it as she hands her a teddy to play with, I feel Kelly pull me as I turn around but keep my eyes on Miley as we head to the door. I feel Kelly pick me up and pull me out the crèche "she is going to be fine, now come on, a massage table is waiting upstairs with our names on it" he says as I laugh and start walking to the stairs with him.

"Yes daddy" I say jokingly as I nudge him "felt rude to correct her, plus I kinda do see her as my own daughter" Kelly says as I lean into his side as we walk down the corridor.

We check in to the spa and choose the package we want, we decided on a full body massage, with use of a private hot tub with face mask and a bottle of champagne. The staff member handed us a robe and towel and pointed us to the changing rooms.

We went into the same changing room and began to get changed into our swim suits. "Can you fasten this for me" I say to Kelly turning round and holding the string to my bikini top at the back of my neck "with pleasure" Kelly says as he finishes tying his shorts as he comes over and ties my bikini top, when he's done I feel him kiss the back of my neck. "I could give you a full body massage right now" he whispers into my ear as I turn round and smack his chest lightly as we both chuckle "I like your offer but I think 'll leave this one to the professionals" I say winking at him as I put the robe around me.

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