Into the night (4)

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Stellas POV

As December rolls around so does a new State, we finally arrived in Chicago last night Grant kept his word and has had nothing to do with Miley who is now a little over 1 month old. it has been tiring trying to raise a baby on the road, constantly moving around Miley is struggling to get into any kind of routine.

she is also a little poorly, she had a fever last night so was up most of the night crying. we were staying at a Motel across the road from the club Grant was performing in for the next 2 nights. it was a little after 9 at night and Grant was due to finish his gig at 10. 

since MIley was Born I haven't gone to watch Grants Gigs as it wasnt a place for a newborn to be, her fever had died down thankfully but she was refusing her feeds. I walked around the room bouncing her in my arms to try to get her to settle but nothing I was doing seemed to be helping.

I decided to see if going to watch her dad would help, being surrounded by the noise might help settle her, she loved listening to music. I place her in her car seat and connected it to the stroller as I put a few blankets over her.

I put my coat on before I pushed the stroller outside and headed over to the club, I went in through the back entrance I could hear the music in the distance, Miley had stopped crying I saw Grants Dressing room and decided to wait in here for him as I know the crowd out there wont be suitable for Miley. 

I picked Miley up from her car seat as I looked around Grants dressing room, I seen a few opened beer bottles on the coffee table along with a line of powder, it looked like cocaine, I shook my head and went and sat on the sofa, cradling Miley as we waited for Grant. 

I heard footsteps and voices getting closer to the room as I turned round to the door and saw Grant come in with his back to me as someones arms were wrapped around his neck "you always blow me away" a woman's voice said to Grant as he laughed messed with his belt buckle the door closed as he pushed the woman against it. 

Miley started to cry as I looked at her and quickly pulled her to my chest to try settle her "Stella...Baby...w...what are you doing here" I hear Grant say panicked as I turn around and see him zipping his trousers back up. 

"Miley wouldn't settle, I thought the music would settle her, she loves your music" I say as he looks at the woman behind him then back at me "this wasn't what you think, she was just erm..." he stutters as the woman steps forward "I was just going to him with his B-12 shot...right Grant" she says as she looks at Grant and he nods "yeah right, that" he says as I nod not believing them, Grant hasn't needed them shots for months. 

Grant comes over to me and kisses the side of my head "why dont you go back to the motel, I will meet you over there in a minute" he says stroking my face. 

I look at him then at the woman behind him who wont look at me, I look back at Grant and nod, he smiles then kisses me, he would always pretend to love me in front of people since Miley was born, but the second we are alone he flips, he constantly screams in my face throws anything he can get his hands on at me, or if im in arms length he will slap or punch me. 

your probably thinking why dont I leave him, and trust me I tell that to myself also, but im dependant on Grant, he's the reason me and Miley have a roof over our heads, since having MIley I haven't worked with his tour team so I have no money, im reliant on Grant for everything, I cant leave him, so I just put up with it for Mileys Sake. 

I move away from grant as I put Miley in her car seat "I guess I will see you back at the motel" I say looking at Grant as I walk out of his dressing room I head out the back entrance of the club and head over to the motel. 

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