What happens next (17)

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Stellas POV

"I want to adopt her" I hear Kelly say as I look at him in shock, I open my mouth to talk but no words come out as I just feel Kelly grab my hand and pull me to his bed as I sit next to him

"It makes perfect sense, she's already calling me her dad" he says as he covers her ears "and her real dad is a prick" he whispers as he uncovers her ears "I want it officially on paper, and have legal custody of her especially now with you going into this dangerous job" Kelly says he rubs my hand and I just nod "yeah?" He asks as I chuckle "yeah, you are the father she deserves, in my eyes you are her dad already, and no piece of paper will tell me otherwise" she says as I smile and pull her into a side hug

"And whilst we are on the subject of legal stuff, I was thinking about having her name changed on her birth certificate it is currently Miley Rae Smith, I was hoping to change it to mine" Stella says as I nod "we can sort that out also" I say as I kiss the top of her head.

We hear a knock at the door and see Matt stood there and Kelly gestures for him to come in as he opens the door and pokes his head in

"Hey, Casey what can I do for you" Kelly says as Casey looks at me

"Hey, I'm actually here to speak with Stella?" He says as I look at him confused "me? Sure yeah of course what's up" I ask

"Fancy shadowing time on truck on our next call? Gabby has had to take ambo out of service as they caught a blow on their tyre so she said she will look after miley" he says as I smile and nod "oh yeah absolutely, I'd love to" I say as his hands now come into view as he throws me a candidate shirt, trousers and some boots "excellent, I got you a size 8.5 boot is that okay?" He says as I catch them and nod "my size exactly Thankyou" I say as he nods "meet me at the truck when you next hear the alarm" Matt says as I nod "yes captain" I say jokingly as he chuckles and leaves Kelly's office

Kelly smiles at me as he bounces miley on his leg "sounds exciting, your going to love it" Kelly says as I place the T-shirt and boots on his bed as I take jacket off and put the candidate tshirt over my top I have on, I undo my jeans as I push them down my leg and step out of them, I look up and as I grab the trousers I see Kelly grinning his head of staring at my arse, I smack his arm and chuckle as I quickly pull the trousers up as I see him thrown "I was enjoying my view then" he says as I roll my eyes "behave yourself and I might let you tap it later" I say as I lift my foot up and take of my shoes and replace them with the boots

I stand up and hold my arms out as I rotate "how do I look" I ask as Kelly looks me up and down and smiles "like I need to hose you down, because wow you look fire on uniform" Kelly says as I roll my eyes and laugh "get used to it, you will be seeing more of this" I say as I shake my hips a little, he stands up still holding Miley as he wraps an arm around my back and pulls my waist into him "I don't know how I'm going to get any work done around here anymore" he whispers as he lowers his hand down to my arse and squeezes it "shifts are going to get a lot more fun with you around" he says before kissing me.

As he kisses me the alarms go of requesting for squad and Truck and we both smile at each other "now you get to see me in action" Kelly says as we both run out Gabby takes Miley from Kelly's arms as Casey raises his arm for me to follow him. I run over to trucks rig as I jump in the back with Mouch and the current floater for todays shift

We arrive on scene it was a car that had crashed into some parked cars I seen the driver of the car lying halfway through the windscreen he clearly mustn't have been wearing his belt.

Casey hands me a spare helmet as we jump out "stick with me" he says to me as he turns to his team and starts giving them orders. He goes and speaks to Kelly and they confirm to the safest way to bring him out is through the windshield leaving the glass that's impaling his side in for medics to assess.

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