A less lonely Christmas (10)

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Kelly's POV

My eyes flickered open as I felt a tickling sensation under my nose, I felt movement on my arm as I notice Stella turn over in my arms as she sleeps, her hair tickling my face as she turned.

I kissed her shoulder as I moved my arm from hinder her gently, careful not to wake her, I look at the clock on the bedside table 7:33. I sit up and rub my eyes then stretch out my back. I hear a little cooing noise come from the bottom of the bed as I look over and see a tiny hand moving about in the air and I smile.

I stand up and go over to the cot and see miley wide awake reaching her hands up at the light reflections on the ceiling, she tilts her head and notices me as she kicks her legs in excitement "good morning little one, merry Christmas" I say as I lean down and pick her up out her cot, she smiles at me and lets out a few more little noises of excitement as I hold her against my chest

She rest her head against my chest as I grab her blanket from the cot and I head over to the bed and lie back down with her on my chest.

I look at Stella still sleeping as I look down at Miley and stroke her back which sends her to sleep also.

I grab my phone from the side and open the firehouse groupchat and read the messages sent from everyone wishing everyone else a merry Christmas, I send my message in and as I press send I feel Stella stretch and I look down and see her eyes flutter open

"Good morning" I whisper as she looks up at me then at Miley on my chest as she sits up quickly "sorry did I not wake up, was she crying" she asks stroking Mileys face as I chuckle a little "no, she was happily cooing to herself in her cot, your fine, plus even if she was you dont have to apologise, I would have gotten her no trouble" I say as she smiles and nods then looks up at me.

"Good morning to you too anyway" she says leaning up and kissing me, I moan into her kiss as I smile "im kinda liking this getting to wake up next to you malarkey" I say as she moves her head back a little and smiles "I could get used to this" she says pecking my lips once more.

after a few minutes cuddling in bed we decide to head out to the living room, I carried Miley in and we headed over to the tree "aww look at all these presents, just for you" I say to miley as I sit down and hold her between my legs, Stella grabs mileys first gift and places it in front of Miley as I hold Miley's hands and help her rip it open, stella takes out her phone as she starts taking photos of Miley "shes not got a clue whats going on" Stella says laughing as I chuckle "oh well, we do and thats all that matters, its the memories of her first christmas for you" I say as I smile at Stella, she smiles back at me as she continues to place more presents in front of Miley.

"right you take her and I will get some photos of you and her for you to have" I say as stella take smy place sitting behind Miley and holding her as I take her phone from her "Smile" I say looking at the phone as Stella smiles and holds Miley on her lap, I click my fingers to get Mileys attention as she looks up at me and I take the picture. "perfect" I say looking at the photo then handing the phone to stella "I love it" She says as she immediately sets it as her lock screen.

whilst Stella is now occupied with Miley I use this as my chance to bring out my presents from the back for both Stella and Miley. "ohh what do we have here" I say getting Stellas attention as she looks at me confused "what are those, thats not the wrapping paper I bought" stella says as I look at her and take a gift out and read the tag it said Stellas name "no, its the wrap I bought, I got you both a few things" I say handing her the first gift

"Kelly, aww you really didnt need to" She says as she start to open it "I didnt want you not to have anything to open, everyone deserves to open something at christmas" I say as I start to open some of the gifts I was given from everyone at the firehouse the first gift I open was from Matt, it was a box Cigars in a personalised Box. "he knows me well" I say as I place it to the side then look at Stella taking the wrapper of one of the gifts I got her, it was one of the smaller gifts I got, a bath set full of different scented shower gels and moisturisers "oh this will come in handy, I left all mine with Grant" she says putting it to the side and smiling at me.

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