Chapter 1

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5 months later

Lan Zhan's POV

It's been 10 and a half months since I visited Burial Mounds where Wei Ying lived along with Dafan Wens.

I sat down on Jingshi's Balcony, looking at the dark sky while the sun rays are peeking through the horizon, I was lost in my own thoughts.

How is Wei Ying?

Are they doing okay?

I hope they're still managing..

What is he doing right now?

Of course he might be sleeping. It's still 4am, Wangji.

Sighing to myself, I heard someone knocking on the door.

I went to the door and slowly opened it, seeing my old brother Xichen wearing only his night robes and outer robes his hair was still messy.

"Xiongzhang." I was about to bow when he stopped me with his hand, "it's still too early in the morning for bowing formally, Wangji."

He gave me his infamous soft gentle smile, "what brings you here, Xiongzhang?" I asked and he looked at me in the eye.

Something is telling me he knows something.

I ended up inviting him inside and he sat on the bed, looking around, staring at my Guqin then Bichen and then me. He patted the space next to him, inviting me to sit beside him.

I accepted and sat down, quietness engulfed us as none of us spoke yet. Then, I decided to break the silence, "Xiongzhang, what brings you here this early in the morning?"

He turned his head to me and stared at me, which made me a little uneasy. My brother is the only one who knows me well. Too well, more well than Wei Ying or Shifu Qiren.

"Wangji," he started, "I cannot just sit here and let you do this to yourself anymore." he added.

I looked at him, curious to what he said. Huh? Me? What am I doing to myself? I thought. I eat everyday, I bathe everyday, I am careful everyda-

"you overpressure yourself." he said, cutting me off my thoughts. "You do not sleep at the right time. You have an unhealthy sleeping habit, you put yourself into training everyday, you are stricter than usual. I heard some of our Disciples saying you scolded them last time just because they tripped on a rock while sword training. Wangji, what is wrong with you?"

Looking into my brother's eyes, I saw sadness and pity in them. I cannot hide anything to my brother. He's the only one who was there for me when Shifu forbade me from going back to the Burial Mounds to visit Wei Ying.

"is it.. Because of Wei Gongzi?" He asked, putting his warm palm on my hand. "Wangji, say something.." he said in a soft voice, desperate to get the truth out of me.

I looked down and tears welled in my eyes. "I want to get Wei Ying back. I want to lock him up here if it means protecting him. I-" I was cut off by my own tears. I have been keeping them inside, not once I cried when I talked about Wei Ying in front of my brother.

Maybe it was just too much.

"Wangji.." my brother called out, "Sorry, Xiongzhang." I wiped my tears with my sleeve and he sighed, I then looked at him, "Xiongzhang.." I bit my lip, unable to continue.

"Wangji, I do not know what to say..." He said in a speechless tone, "but here," he scooted closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder, hugging my side.

"You can visit Burial Mounds."

My eyes widened at his words. "h-hu--"

"I will not tell Shifu." he paused and patted my back. "you can visit him and come back as soon as possible. Do not take too long for uncle to notice you are nowhere in sight. It is still early, you can come back before lunch. I will tell Shifu you overslept that's why you missed breakfast. I will handle things here while you go visit Wei Gongzi."

I looked at him, speechless and shocked, why, all of a sudden? "I cannot keep seeing you like this, Wangji. Tell Wei Gongzi everything you wanted to say and I will handle things here. Trust me. A-Zhan."

He gently put his palm on my head and gently pulled me in for a warm embrace, i hugged him back tightly, and he kissed my temple. Never since childhood he stopped calling me A-Zhan.

Now, he did, again. It felt so good to hear it. Specially coming from him.

I forced a small smile and he gave me a warm, genuine one.

I quickly wore my robes and Forehead Ribbon, taking Guqin with me incase and taking Bichen from the side of my bed. I rushed to the window but then stopped, turning my head sideways to see my brother standing behind me with a warm smile. As always.

"be back before lunch. Be safe."

"Mn. Xiexie, Xiongzhang." I then rode Bichen and flew away from Cloud Recesses, heading to Burial Mounds while clutching my sleeves, the morning air was freezing my already cold hands.

Author's POV

Xichen watched as Lan Zhan flew away to the direction of Burial Mounds.

He then closed the window and headed outside Jingshi, it was still too early so he decided to go back to Hanshi and continue his sleep.

Since he only woke up to the feeling Lan Zhan isn't sleeping well once again. He already caught Lan Zhan lurking on the rooftop, watching the stars and moon several times, he cannot withstand Lan Zhan's habits anymore so he decided on making an exception only for today to Lan Zhan go and visit his Wei Ying.

He smiled to himself, having his arm covering his eyes. "my lovesick brother.." he mumbled to himself with a smile.

He loves his brother too much to see him that way hurts his heart. Soon, sleep took him in as he went into dreamland, knowing later he has work to do and covering up to do.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed reading. Sorry if it's quite boring.

How will Lan Zhan react when he sees the Suites he once saw Wei saying and Wens living in, all burned down to ashes and dead bodies of Jin Disciples rotting?


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