Chapter 11

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The next day when Lan Zhan woke up, he went to the balcony and meditated as always. The events from last night was still fresh in his mind. He wanted all of it to sink in and accept Wei Ying lives here now, far away from Gusu. He knew eventually he will leave this place to return to Gusu, just not now. Not with.. The injured leg.

He opened his eyes and looked at the dark sky which sun rays peeked through. He thought about his feelings for Wei Ying. Was it love? Lan Zhan wasn't the kind of person that would deny his feelings. He just.. Doesn't know what love is. All he knows it's an unexplainable feeling, and he can't explain why he feels all sorts of stuff when with Wei Ying.

He feels like he had the whole zoo in his stomach when Wei Ying flirts, when he talks it looks so confident that anyone would fall for him just for his voice. When he walks, he carries his glory that it could make anyone fall on their knees for him. The way he's so caring to those who he considers family anyone can imagine how caring of a husband he can be. The way eyes stare at him could easily make him melt. Those eyes, those crimson red eyes can melt anyone or either get hypnotized by it. Everything about Wei Wuxian, the Yilling Patriarch is perfect. He was perfect...

Lan Zhan suddenly became sad at the thought Wei Ying was too out of his league.. He felt like he couldn't reach him anymore. The thought of Wei Ying flirting with someone else makes him the feeling of wanting to snatch Wei Ying and cling on him without saying anything and just look at him madly cute. Jealousy in short. The thought of Wei Ying having someone else winning Wei Ying over hurts him to the core.

Lan Zhan bit his bottom lip, he loves Wei Ying. He smiled to himself finally realizing it. His heart beats like crazy around Wei Ying, he smiled to himself, at last he knows what the feeling is. Was it love or was it just attachment though? He cursed himself for being so negative but he doesn't know! Sometimes you can mistake Attachment for Love.. For now he will not convince himself he loves Wei Ying and will let time decide for him. Just when he figured out his feelings there's the dark side of it slapping him back to reality.

After a short while, he opened his eyes and saw the fog was lifting up as the sky gets clearer. He stood up, went back inside his Room and looks around, what shall he do? Oh!

He ran towards the study table and took out an ink and paintbrush plus a clear sheet of paper. He started scribbling something and when you look closer it was a letter.

My dear Xiongzhang,

This is Lan Zhan writing to you to say that I have reached my destination. I will not tell you where I am, just know that I am safe with Wei Ying. Do not fuss my Xiongzhang, I will return to Gusu once I have healed, it will take some time but I will come back to you, do not worry too much for Wei Ying and everyone is taking care of me, I got my injured leg from fighting a fierce corpse, whichever sender will send you this, I will tell them to wait and give you time to write something back, I apologize for dissappearing so suddenly, I just felt suffocated there and was desparate to find Wei Ying. Now I do... And I want you badly here with me and help me sort out my feelings. I have known most of it but there are parts of it I do not know and I'm confused.. Please take care of yourself and Shifu. We will see each other again.

Sincerely yours, Lan Zhan.

Were the words written on the letter. He put it in a scroll and went to prepare for the day, taking a shower and putting on his Forehead band then his usual Gusu Lan robes, he looked at his injured leg and caressed it, it felt a but better but he cannot run at such speed, he can only jog. Poison and corpse' claws are a good combination if you want to slow down someone, he slapped himself internally.

He then went out the balcony, it was 7am and people were already preparing for the day. The village looked lively, Wuxian was the leader, of course its lively. He saw kids playing, some men that holds swords and have matching arm bands where he figured were the Clans Cultivators. They all wore the same black, red and Grey attire, and the ones with arm bands are probably Cultivators. The one who goes out on missions and night hunts. He saw a training ground where Disciples were in the shade talking, some are already sparing.

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