Chapter 18

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The next day came, Yuan was up early to prepare for classes when he saw his Rich-gege walking down the hallway, he gasped excitedly and dashed towards him, hugging his leg. "good morning Rich-gege, why are you dressed up like that so early?" asked the younger one and the person who's leg he hugged, turned to face him, it was non other than Lan Xichen.

Yuan blinked twice to see if he's looking wrong or he's just still sleepy to be imagining his Rich-gege is now tall and handsome, handsome overcoming beautiful. "oh? Me? Rich-gege?" Xichen pointed to himself with a smile.

"u-uh.." Yuan stopped hugging him and bowed, "I'm sorry, I thought you were Lan Er-gege!" He exclaimed and Xichen giggled. "I am Lan Er-gege." Xichen emphasized.

Yuan giggled, "no you're not. Rich-gege is beautiful, you are handsome. Handsome-gege." smile Yuan and Xichen immediately knew he was talking about his younger brother for people described his beauty more as 'beautiful' not 'handsome.'

"A-Yuan, you are up early." They heard a voice approaching, as they both looked at the source of the voice, Wei Wuxian was there, wearing pure red inner robes that was halfly covered by a black layered robe tied on his waist, his hair was tied in a high ponytail with a red ribbon.

"Yilling Patriarch." Xichen uttered and bowed as respect. He wasn't really expecting Wuxian to return the gesture but he did, and it made Xichen shock for a moment before giving his usual soft smile.

"Zewu-Jun, it's nice to see you." he said and Yuan clung on him. "Father, I'm the one suppose to tell you you're up early! Because you are never a morning person. Everyone knows that." Yuan said with a toothy smile.

Lan Xichen blinked twice, "father?" he unconsciously questioned, "Mn. This is Wei Yuan, my adoptive son," oh "A-Yuan, this is Zewu-Jun, Rich-gege's older brother."

"oohh!" Yuan said and bowed again, Xichen gave a small nod, "I will call him Handsome-gege because he is handsome." Yuan smiled again, the Bundle of Joy beside Wei Ying made the two adult coo.

"Lan Zhan isn't up yet?" asked Wuxian, "he is. By this time he is probably meditating. He does not come out of his room for an hour after he wakes up. It's his routine," explained the older which Wuxian nodded to.

"how have you been, Wei Gongzi?" asked Xichen to start a conversation, "so far so good. With A-Yuan, my family and Lan Zhan.. Everything is good." he said while Yuan hugging his leg silently listening to their conversation. "A-Zhan?" Xichen wanted to make that clear.

"mn. We will talk about that after breakfast. Now let us go, you will eat with us." Wuxian asked.. More like ordered Xichen to eat with them which Xichen nicely obliged. Then, they saw Lan Zhan going down the stairs and met the two men additional Wei Yuan of his life.

"Good Morning Rich-gege," Yuan smiled and Lan Zhan smiled a little, Xichen and Wuxian never saw Lan Zhan smile back so quickly to anyone. After overcoming their shock, they walked towards the Dining Chambers and was met with the Wens there. "Zewu-Jun," Wen Ning bowed first, "Zewu-Jun," Both Qing and Granny Wen bowed in unison, Xichen returning the kind gesture.

This time, Wen Qing sat on Luji's old spot and Xichen sat on Qing's old spot.

"Handsome-gege, do you eat spicy food?" asked Yuan and Xichen looked at him, "I eat spicy food but not too spicy." He said with a smile, "A-Yuan, Lans do not eat spicy food, the food in their clan are mild." Wuxian said and Yuan oh-ed.

"you call them Rich-gege and Handsome-gege, what about us?" Qing faked a sob of jealousy which everyone on the table knew was fake except the gullible kid. "don't cry Qing-jiejie.. Then.. You are Beautiful-jiejie," he pointed at Qing then Granny Wen, "kind-nainai" then Wen Ning, "cute-gege!" he chirped, the adults cooed at the kid, "then what about me?" Wuxian said, pointing at himself, he played the utterly offended and shocked card which earned a giggle or two from the rest of them.

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