Chapter 28

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The next day, as expected Wen Qing already took Lan Zhan to the beach house where they will be staring and Wei Wuxian is NOT allowed to enter.. His own beach house. The one he owns and told no one is allowed, now he's the one not allowed in. Be internally laughed while crying in his head.

It went by pretty fast as Wuxian just did his remaining paperwork, and Lan Zhan sleeping, resting with Wen Qing as guard and communicating with people who they consider a designer and event planners through a talisman, telling them to make it extra perfect for the next day, and also telling the designer to bring Lan Zhan's attire for the wedding later in the afternoon to see if it fits Lan Zhan or is there anything imperfect.

On Wuxian's side he did not expect to get a surprise visitor, but here comes, when he strolled to the Moon Bridge, Nie Huaisang suddenly appeared behind the bushes and surprised his Wei Xiong and said he will be the special guest at their wedding, Wuxian could only scoff at his dramatic Ness. He left Nie Huaisang to stay in an extra chamber for the night as for the day, they both talked about things they only talk about, catching up and stuff like that.

Nie Huaisang even gave naughty ideas to Wuxian and Wuxian smacked him a lot of times, he hasn't changed one bit.

In conclusion, Lan Zhan and Wuxian both spent the day like any other normal day with a twist, Nie Huaisang.

"Wei Xiong, I am deeply happy for you my brother." Nie Huaisang said, raising his glass of wine as if giving a toast and Wuxian who went along, clang his cup to Nie Huaisang's before gulping down his wine. "thank you,"

Huaisang gave a smile and then his lips curved up forming some kind of sussy smile. "I don't like that face." Wuxian spat

"of course you don't. You only like Hanguang-Jun's~." Nie Huaisang bite back., sticking his tongue out of his mouth at Wuxian.

Wuxian groaned.

At Lan Zhan's side, he was sitting peacefully at the seaside, he felt all this go fast. Wuxian was rushing things to the extent and he understands that. He will let Wuxian take the lead as long as it is for the good, and safety of not only the people and him but Wuxian himself. He already feels resentment inside him towards the world they live in. Why?

The hatred and things they did to Wuxian were too much. He understands that now, and a part of him regretted for not standing next to Wuxian that time. The time at Nevernight. He even fought against him, he watched Wuxian cry and lose control when Yanli died, what did he do? Nothing. He just couldn't bring himself close to Wuxian, now he is thinking his past self was such a pathetic person for not standing next to his beloved and protect them.

He sighed, he doesn't want to think about the past. It happened and paststays in the past. He put a hand on his stomach, feeling the small round bulge, accessing a smile decorated on Lan Zhan's face.

Wen Qing sat beside him. "You seem deep in thought." she stretched out a smile before looking at the slightly taller male, "Are you having doubts on marrying my A-Ying?" even though Wen Qing said that in a sarcastic voice, it had the ability to make Lan Zhan gasp. "No!"

Now it was Wen Qing's turn to gasp as Lan Zhan never raised his voice yet in front of them, it was new to her and she admit, Lan Zhan radiated stern energy when he raises his voice in a serious way. Lan Zhan, who saw the shocked face of Wen Qing immediately cleared his throat.

"No, I mean no.. Im not having doubts or second thoughts. It's just.. It just seemed so fast.. The next day I am.. To be Wei Ying's husband..." he said, now in a low voice at the end part of his sentence, he had his ears in a shade of red once again.

Wen Qing immediately undstood what he meant. "I know, I know. It's too fast for me too, 3 months ago A-Ying locked everyone out of his heart and what was left inside were the pains of the past and his love in denial of you.." Wen Qing took a deep breath, exhaling after. "It seems like he really does not want to let go of you this time. From what I can see, he will ensure you do not leave his side again."

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