Chapter 8

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"Qing-Jie." Wuxian sighed, "how long have you been there?"

"long enough to see you tucking Hanguang-Jun to bed." Qing said, her arms crossed on her chest while leaning on the door frame.

"Mn." He gave a slight nod and turned around completely, his frame facing Wen Qing. "what was that with you?" Qing interrupted, "what was that with me what?" Qing facepalmed, "Hanguang-Jun just appeared, are you finally turning back to normal now?" she joked and Wuxian rolled his eyes.

"this is the normal me." Wuxian said, brushing past her and Qing followed after closing the door. "you know what I mean, A-Ying, you ran from here to the clinic, the looks in your face clearly shows how worried you are, and angry. And then, you bought him here," Qing paused, "have you found out why?"

Wuxian knew what she meant. She meant if he found out what feelings he has for Lan Zhan. Wuxian shook his head. "I have not. I do not bother to even think about such thing. Drop this conversation and let us eat. Where is A-Yuan?" asked Wuxian, Qing sighed. It was obvious Wuxian loves Thee Hanguang-Jun but is in denial. She can't blame him though. He has been through enough. "A-Yuan is preparing dinner With Granny Wen and Luji."

As they stepped inside the dining chambers, he found them all done preparing and are just waiting for the two. Wuxian cocked his head to the side, and made his way to his chair, same goes for Wen Qing.

They ate in silence until Wuxian disturbed, "Qing-Jie, where did you put the white robes?"

"white robes? Since when do you wear white robes, A-Ying?" Granny Wen asked, Luji was equally curious. "it's not mine. It's Lan Zhan's."

The table fell silent, "H-Hanguang-Jun is here..?" Asked Granny Wen and Wuxian replied with a nod.

Hanguang-Jun is... Luji curled her fists into a ball, biting her lower lip. Just as she thought everything would go to the right Track for her, it made a huge u-turn now that The Second Jade is here. She shook her head, dismissing her thoughts. "Where is he? Why did you not invite him to dinner?" Luji asks, she never caught a glimpse of this Hanguang-Jun. He just knows his name is Lan Zhan, Courtesy Name Wangji, Title Second Jade of Gusu Lan or Hanguang-Jun. Has long black ink hair, calm, kind, not talkative, is in all white. She wanted to see what he looked like so bad. She was so curious it made her want to burst. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Qing asked her what was wrong. Which she replied to a 'nothing'.

"poor Rich-gege.." Yuan said sadly, sipping on his soup as Wuxian caress his hair. "Jiejie, Luji, arrange a chamber for Lan Zhan next to Mines. I'm sure once he wake up he will be confused and will need energy so he will be staying here." They were all stunned. Wuxian already made a decision before Lan Zhan, more so, Wuxian's voice sounded demanding. He noticed how stunned they were and eyed them one by one. "what?"

"are you even sure Hanguang-Jun would want to stay here?" Granny Wen asked. "Where else if he suppose to regain his energy? I felt his spiritual core weak, he will be needing it. Just do as I say" he pierced through everyone except Yuan's soul with a serious look that made them pale. As the Yilling Patriarch wishes.

After they were done with dinner, Luji and Granny Wen cleaned the table along with Wen Ning. Wen Ning, who was silent observed everyone and the mentioning of Hanguang-Jun was at their village, Luji became gloomy. Of course Wen Qing noticed it too that's why she asked Luji what was wrong, but him, he definitely knew she didn't want to believe it. He knew Luji liked his Master Wei. Well... Because Luji and Wen Ning are Close non-biological siblings and Luji opens to Wen Ning about her feelings towards Wuxian. He indeed felt bad for the girl but whatever his Master Wei decides, he will support 100%.

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