Bonus 3, Only Yours. 🔞

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Surprise my bunnies mwahahaha, I'm alive!! I have a Lil extra causeee idk, I just to ehehe<3 also, don't mind me calling Lan Zhan the same, just remember he's married.

Plus, Lan Zhan wears his usual white robes as wwx said he looked like an angel in that.

Question at the bottom. Please answer


"Ruzhe." hearing his mother's voice, Ruzhe rose his head from the book he's reading.

"come in." he said and Lan Zhan opened the door. Upon opening, Lan Zhan's eyes looked at the sight of his son sitting on his bed, back supported by the headboard as a cute lad in white robes had his head on her sons chest, sleeping while Wei Ruzhe's other hand was on the lad's waist. Lan Zhan looked at his son's eyes and Wei Ruzhe gave a smile, a mischievous yet nervous smile.

Lan Zhan furrowed his eyebrows. Wei Wuxian was making this boy grow up faster than he expected.


"don't ehe me." Lan Zhan glared at his son, crossing his arms on his chest as he leaned on the door frame.

Wei Ruzhe tightened his grip on Lan Yanhua's waist, causing the smaller male to stir a little that Lan Zhan had to glare at his own son. "Oi, you're still a kid."

"I'm a big boy." Ruzhe pouted with puffed cheeks. The next thing he knew was his ear being pinched. "ah- ah! Mother!" He whined. "little boy, even if you grow old, you will always be small for me." he stated as a matter of fact, hand on his waist. "where is your father?" Asked Lan Zhan.

Ruzhe rubbed his ear once Lan Zhan let go and he perked up at the question. "wasn't he suppose to be here right now?" Ruzhe blinked innocently. "no, young man. Whenever your father comes back from work in another clan or village, he comes home at the stated time; if he doesn't come to meet me right after he comes back, it means he's here or with your brothers. But he's not and you're the only one I haven't asked yet."

Rizhe shrugged, "I'm sorry mother, but I do not really know. He hasn't come back, maybe he got distracted on the way? I don't know." Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow, "are you sure? You are not hiding him in here, are you?" Lan Zhan felt something like a gut saying Wei Wuxian was hiding something.

"no, never did that. He's big and tall, I can't hide him here!" Ruzhe defended with a whine.

"I- well- he has a point."

"mn. I'll try and call for him. Go have dinner with your siblings later, okay? I'll be there with your father." the taller male said before closing the door behind him.

He quickly went to Wei Wuxian's study room and opened one of the cabinets, taking a talisman and held it in front of his face with two fingers. He raised another two fingers with his other hand and he disappeared from Wuxian's study.


"Thank you so much, Yilling Laozu."

"thank you, Yilling Laozu!"


The people inside the brothel they bought Wuxian in thanked the male in black and red robes, standing tall as he gave them a smile that looked genuine. "my pleasure."

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