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Thank you for reading this what nutt book. I admit I have rushed the ending because I didn't want to make this book wait any longer than it should!

Thank you for those who supports me and also the ones who bears my typos, grammatical errors and shitty explanations, I'm happy that I started this book and I will always be. I will write upcoming ZhanYi and Xianwang fanfics when I calculate and process my next plot.

It will be a ZhanYi story and I hope you will support it too. 😭 Even if I make too many mistakes. I literally love y'all. Hearts for my babiessss ♥♥♥


🥀. Wuxian's favorite part of Lan Zhan's body are his thighs, waist and neck.

🥀. Lan Zhan's favorite part of Wuxian's body are chest, neck and face.

🥀. Lan Zhan eventually knew what one of the Yangs Intentions were to marry off their daughter who looked exactly like Mrs. Yang to Wei Ruzhe who was the xerox copy of Wuxian because she sees herself in her daughter and Wuxian in Sean. She was staring at Lan Zhan because she was jealous.

🥀. Wuxian pampers Lan Zhan with gifts and his kids too.

🥀. Lan Qiren almost had QI Deviation when three mini wuxian's walked inside Cloud Recesses.

🥀. When Wei Xiu and Wei Lian were made in the forest. Yes. Once Wuxian and Wangji were strolling outside when Wuxian pinned Wangji down on a tree, kissed him and made love on the grass... Lots of times.

🥀. Even in Cloud Recesses, Wuxian would take Wangji in places wherever they went. Including beside Lanshi.

🥀. Weis are very possessive of their chosen soulmates.

🥀. Wangji despite being made love with everyday still manages to walk with the help of Wen Qing's medicines.

🥀. When the Wei kids gets too much hyped, Wangji threatens them using needles or sometimes would just shoot their foreheads with it when he can't take it anymore.

🥀. Once Wei Family slept in one bed, in the morning Wuxian woke up on the floor.

🥀. Wuxian had times he got jealous of his own kids that Wangji was kept inside his chambers for whole 24 hours and got secuslly tortured.

🥀. Wuxian and Wangji ended up being immortal with the Wens, their kids and even Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren.

🥀. Granny Wen due to old age passed away when Wei Ruzhe was 6 years old. That's why Wuxian wanted to complete the immortal chant.

🥀. Yin Iron, Stygian Tiger Amulet still lived and it WILL live forever and Wuxian is the only one being able to handle and wild it's power.

🥀. Yin Iron still absorbs wrath and agony which makes it even more powerful, compared to the old Yin Iron, the current one is far too incomparable to it as it was too powerful, almost invincible.

🥀. Lan Yanhua, Lan Yibo was an orphan taken in by Lan Xichen and Xichen considers both Jingyi and him as his own sons.

🥀. Lan Zhan still plays his Guqin everytime he feels like it or when someone wanted him to play it.

🥀. Wuxian and Wangji manages clan and political work.

🥀. Wei Clan is considered the top of all major clans.

🥀. Lan Zhan created many songs by himself and sometimes with Wuxian, they'd both play music when the two gets to the rooftop alone for the whole clan to hear.

🥀. There's a possibility Wuxian and Wangji would have.. Many more kids 💀(they are immortal, meaning they can do whatever they want without dying and worrying about aging.)

🥀. Wei Yuan is very close with Lan Jingyi.

🥀. Wei Ying once sent a letter to Jiang Cheng asking him how he is and Jiang Cheng surprisingly wrote back.

🥀. Lan Zhan was forever considered the most beautiful cultivator in the whole world.

🥀. Wuxian still drinks and he doesn't get drunk no matter how much he drinks as his alcohol tolerance got higher than before.

🥀. Wei Ruzhe was very possessive with Lan Yanhua that when people around their age specially men get close to Yanhua, Ruzhe would give them his deadliest glare.

🥀. Wuxian once caught Ruzhe trying to do dark magic which his control got broken of.

🥀. Wen Ning and Wen Qing were the most active doctor and follower of Wuxian.

🥀. Once Ruzhe caught Wuxian and Wangji kissing each other under the moonlight.

🥀. When everyone fears and flattered Wuxian, there's Lan Zhan who scolded him right in his face in front of those people.

🥀. Lan Zhan once pointed at himself when Wuxian was staring at him across a room and the next thing he knew was he was sitting on Wuxian's laps and murmured "mine."

🥀. Wei Xiu and Wei Lian were both the most famous twins in cultivation world.

🥀. Many tried to offer marriage proposals to the Wei kids which were all declined.

🥀. Wuxian has short temper and anger issues.

🥀. When Wuxian gets so angry, Wangji offers himself as if an offering to someone and Wuxian would wreck and ruin Lan Zhan's body to let out his emotions or else he'll go insane.

🥀. Wei Xiu created many inventions that cultivators started to use too.

🥀. Soon, Wei Huan, Wangji's unborn child will join their forever nonstop adventure.

🥀, etc.


Thank you all for everything!!

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