Chapter 15

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"Luji did what?!" Wuxian demanded for answers after Wen Ning explained what happened. Wen Ning flinched and took a step back he doesn't want to feel the wrath of the Yilling Patriarch. Though he also told him that he entered Wuxian's Personal Chamber last night but that wasn't the reason Wuxian was angry right now.

"that is what Qing-Jie told me. But Master Wei, can't you.. Can't you feel when someone goes in and out of this village?! I saw Hanguang-Jun leaping away from the temple but I decided to not tell you because he looked like he needed space.." Wen Ning explained and knelt down that his head was touching the ground. "forgive me, Master Wei..." he apologized,

Wuxian was fuming in silent anger and sadness. How could Luji..?! Lan Zhan..?! He felt suffocated and he staggered back, his head hurting again as he heard ringing in his ears that made him clutch his head the Stygian Tiger Amulet was somewhere deep under the temple which Wuxian was finally able to make something that would stop it's obvious presence to anyone because by now, the Stygian Tiger Amulet absorbed all the wrath and agony all over the place that it became Untamable but luckily Wuxian was the master of it, not only he became the leader of the village but he was able to tame the Amulet and he had become even more powerful than before.

But when he stresses so much, overthink so much, gets too angry, his head will start to pound and he is expected to rage. The Stygian Tiger Amulet even upgraded, at some point it whispers to Wuxian as if having it's own voice to use it when Wuxian was in too much overwhelming bad thoughts.

"Master Wei please calm down!" Wen Ning pleaded, grabbing Wuxian's shoulders. Wuxian was pulled back to earth with a gasp.

"Lan Zhan has not yet left the village.. But where could he possibly be..?" Wuxian said defeated. It's better to much rather surrender to sorrow than surrender to the Stygian Tiger Amulet which was trying to tempt him to destroy everything that bothers Wuxian.

"we don't know.. But your Disciples can see if Hanguang-Jun is lurking around.. So please, be at ease for now, he is probably somewhere in the village clearing his head off.." at least Wen Ning tried his best... He let Wuxian sit on a rock as he still clutch his skull. "please call Qing-Jie. I want to talk to her about something." Said the latter and Wen Ning nodded.

---- ———— ----

On the other hand Lan Zhan never left the inn room. He felt weak and sick, why can he not be sick when he slept with wet robes?! Now he once again have a fever. How his luck is very... Very unlucky today. His food was delivered and he ate but he didn't finish the food given to him. He didn't leave the room, he didn't even go outside to see what was happening. He just stayed there, in a weak state where no one to take care of him and only have himself.

---- ———— ----

Wen Ning knew exactly if Wen Qing wasn't with Luji in the garden then they would most likely be attacking Lan Zhan's room and he was right. He Told Wen Qing what he knew and saw that eased Wen Qing and Luji when he said Wuxian didn't feel anyone going out of the village yet. Now Wuxian wanted to talk to her and she completely knew why. She patted Luji's shoulder and left, leaving Wen Ning to comfort the person he considers sister.

When Wen Qing found Wuxian sitting on a rock watching the fire flies from the lake that were lit up by stars, she silently approached him but she knew Wuxian knows even when the person is dead silent, he will know the presence behind him. He wasn't the Yilling Patriarch for nothing.

"what do you want to talk about, A-Ying?" asked the latter who sat beside Wuxian.

"I want to find the answer, Qing-Jie. To these... Feelings.." Wen Qing knew what he was talking about so she readied a long paragraph in her head for her little brother.

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