Chapter 21🔞

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My beautiful eyes and not-so-innocent soul... HAHAHAHA

Expect typos

Oh and please don't judge me on this one 💀


Ah yes, just in time when Wuxian stepped foot on the Moon Bridge, they were already preparing dinner in the Demon Palace; he entered the palace and saw a servant, "Mrs. Zu, tell my sister and Lan Zhan I won't be attending dinner with them." The servant nodded politely and bowed as Wuxian walked away, heading to the back of the temple and making his way towards his beach house.

"Master Wei have returned, he said he will not be able to attend dinner." Mrs. Zu said, bowing at the Wens and Lan Zhan. "oh? But why? Isn't he suppose to be hungry because of the journey?" Asked Wen Qing. "Yes, my lady.. But unfortunately he did not tell me his reasons. He went to his beach house." She politely answered, "What happened to Father Ying..?" asked Yuan, tugging on Lan Zhan's robes. "ah.. He's fine. He's probably just tired, come come let's eat!" Wen Qing knew there was something wrong, she just wanted to reassure Granny Wen, she was in her old age so it's not good for her to worry and Yuan was still young to understand what could Wei Ying be mad about.

Wen Ning also eyed Lan Zhan, both the Wen Siblings pleading the latter to find out what was wrong with Wei Ying for they know the latter opens to Lan Zhan the most. Lan Zhan gave them a small nod, indicating he will take care of it later.

Lan Zhan only ate a little and stood up to excuse himself to see Wei Ying. He went to Wei Ying's bed chamber and took his Guqin in case Wuxian wanted to listen to some music, even if he does not, Lan Zhan will use it to help him.

He walked towards the beach house and expecting it to be open, and it was. He silently made his way inside after closing the door only to find Wei Ying on the edge of the balcony floor that welcomes the sea, drinking wine.

Lan Zhan silently walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around the latter's chest which almost startled Wuxian, clearly he was in deep thinking. "what happened, Wei Ying?" asked Lan Zhan in a soothing voice.

"I got caught, didn't I?" sighed Wuxian, put the jar down and took 3 steps back, dragging Lan Zhan and turned to him, hugging his waist. "I didn't attend dinner because I knew I will get caught. And I didn't. But still got caught?" he chuckled, "smart, baobei." he said, caressing Lan Zhan's back.

"mn. Please tell me." said Lan Zhan, caressing his locks and Wei Ying sighed, "people are slowly getting on my nerves.. Earlier when we arrived the Cao village, we were said to wait for nightfall for the corpses to come, and when we were patrolling, one of their men attempted to kill mine." Lan Zhan let out a small gasp, "what? Why?! Is he okay now?" asked Lan Zhan, worried and Wei Ying looked at him. "he is okay, he's at the hospital.", "that is good to hear. But why did they do that?"

"naturally they intended to kill us all. In turns out those fierce corpses were fake, they wanted me, they.. They wanted to kill me." he said, Lan Zhan exactly knew what he meant. He meant those Cao Villagers requested for the Yilling Patriarch's presence so desperately so they could get his head.. In short dispatch him. Why? Because they were afraid of the Yilling Patriarch.

"they should dissappear from this world." Lan Zhan said in a dark tone. "I'm so angry right now. If they wanted to kill me, why involve my men? They are innocent!" Lan Zhan felt the anger vibrating through his body and voice.

"Wei Ying, please calm down. I'm here, you're all right. Your men is all right. Safe and sound." he said, patting Wei Ying's back, Wei Ying was shaking in anger.

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