Chapter 6

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"Wen Qing!!" Wuxian screamed.

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Some of Wei disciples noticed the Yilling Patriarch rubbing his nose. They quickly approached him to ask what was wrong.

He quickly dismissed them, saying he just bumped into a tree. They bowed to him and left. Qing who saw how Wuxian looked, she furrowed her eyebrows. to

"A-Ying, let's talk."

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"A-Ying, ever since this morning I mentioned Hangbang - Jun, You have been staring into. now here. went straight to the point while wiping Wuxian's nose.

"Back at Burial Mounds. I found you drinking, and you were still sober. I told you to stop and rest but you said no. I asked why and You confessed you miss Hanguang-Jun at the same time you felt betrayed because he stopped visiting us. You." Qing looked at Wuxian who gave her a cold expression.

"Qing-jie. That was before"

"But A-Ying, today I mentioned him and you ran into a tree. I am your Jiejie, I know your perks and mood by now." Qing said sternly.

It was true. Wen Qing is a very smart and observing person, she can determine whether Wuxian was in a bad mood or what, but sometimes she doesn't know for Wei Wuxian also knows how to act.

But one thing's for sure, Wen Qing knows Wei Wuxian's fake smile.

"I probably just miss him." Wuxian was in deep thoughts he forgot he has someone with him. "I heard that." his body made a small jerk and looked at Wen Qing. "you miss him? Why not visit him?"

"A-Qing, you know why."

"that is not what I mean, A-Ying. What I mean is, since Hanguang-Jun goes on night hunts why not lure some corpses somewhere near Gusu and you never know he might turn up. You know.." Wen Qing paused and looked at the lake.

"eversince Hanguang-Jun stopped visiting us in Burial Mounds, you mood became gloomy. You were almost gloomy every time I know you will never admit it but I can see you were looking forward for his weekly visit, and eversince that stopped, at first you said maybe he was just busy plus he has his own priorities at his Clan, but weeks turned into months and you slowly lost hope he'll visit, you're thinking he forgot you. But A-Ying, let me ask you. Why do you look forward so much for his visits? I know it's not because he secretly gives us money, I know there is something else. A-Ying... " Qing looked at Wuxian and Wuxian looked at her too.

"do you love Hanguang-Jun?"

Wuxian's world stopped the moment Wen Qing asked if he loves the Second Jade. He never thought about it, all this time he thought he was just attached to Lan Zhan because they were classmates back then, that they went on hunts by themselves.

Now that he think of it, he was confused. But he knows one solution, find out himself, but in order to do that he needed one specific person but that is Lan Zhan. How? Lan Zhan is far away, Wuxian himself is powerful enough to destroy Clans but he doesn't want that. He isn't a person to hold grudges.

He was snapped out of his train of thoughts by Qing who stood up. "take time to think of that then come to me if you are confused or feeling things involving your feelings towards Hanguang-Jun; I will help you." she said in a reassuring tone.

"I will be going now, me and Wen Ning will be early to leave tomorrow for Lim Village." she bowed and left, leaving Wuxian in a daze.

Without knowing someone was listening to them ear-to-ear with a heavy heart.

The night came and Luji knocked on Wuxian's Bed Chambers but after a few minutes of waiting there were no response. Again, she knocked but there was no response which made her end up opening it. "Wuxian-ge?" she called out although the room was dead silent. She then got an idea and it was her opportunity to grab Wuxian's attention.

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