Chapter 3

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Author's POV

The next day, Lan Zhan woke up when he heard someone playing a soft, melodic and light flute. He forced his heavy eyelids to open and slowly regain his sight.

He felt kind of weak but then he saw himself in Lan environment, the sight of Lan Xichen playing his flute beside him but stopped as soon as he saw Wangji opening his eyes.

"Xiongzhang.." speaking in his rather hoarse voice, Xichen looked at him worried and helped him sit up.

"A-Zhan, what had happened?" he asked in a low tone so Wangji wouldn't get bombarded with something loud that could have the possibility of breaking his eardrums.

Lan Zhan stared on his palms that were on his laps that were under the blanket that protected him from the cold last night.

He felt hot, is he having a fever? He would much rather deny. Then, he parted his lips to say something but nothing came out..

"A-Zhan?" Xichen uttered, Lan Wangji kept staring at his hands.

"I went to Burial Mounds... The Cottages were burned down. No Wei Ying. No Wens. Only rotting corpses." he said in one go with his weak low voice.

Xichen widened his eyes at the 'only rotting corpses.' "rotting corpses-? Are the-" he was cut off by a hiss.

"no." Lan Zhan stared at him with helpless eyes. Xichen was speechless.

It took a few moments before Lan Wangji told him what he had seen and asked the Yilling Villagers.
Why he returned with an injured poisoned leg and why it took him a whole day to return.

Xichen's face could only scream the words worry and sadness for his brother. He was out of words to comfort his little brother.

Out of instinct, Xichen caressed the side of Lan Zhan's head. "A-Zhan, why do you want to protect Wei Gongzi so, so much?" he asked in his usual tone.

Wangji didn't utter a word. He himself didn't know. He shook his head unable to continue this conversation and Xichen nodded.

The rest of the day Wangji rested in the clinic while the doctor checks up on him, saying he has a light fever so he gave him some herbal tea to drink so he can heal. Xichen took care of his younger brother, giving him food and water and accompanying him with his flute.

Around 5pm in the afternoon, Lan Zhan can finally walk but some parts of his leg was still numb, did they not take it all? But the arrow only had a small bit of poison, was it that lethal?

He brushed it off and went to the room where Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen awaits. He knocked on the door, "come in" he heard.

He opened the door, closed it and approached them both, bowing. "Shifu, Xiongzhang. What is it you want to talk about?" Asked Wangji, "you went to Burial Mounds."

Wangji was suddenly taken aback by it, helpless he looked at Lan Xichen who balled his hand into a fist on his laps who looked pale. Of course, Qiren must have forced the truth out of him.

Wangji couldn't blame his brother, he had a pure soft heart. He wasn't any less. "I am sorry, shifu."

He was cold, he wasn't mad or upset, he's just sad. Why can't his uncle accept Wei Ying just because he hates Dark Cultivation? Wei Ying didn't even do anything bad with it.

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